Chapter 2

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After missing my bus, my brothers offered to let me go with them. I was fine with these arrangements because we were told the bus ride was about an hour and forty-five minutes. The reason I don't usually ride with them is because well, let's face it, they are guys and they don't like to get up in the mornings. In other words, they never get to school on time. Hopefully, that won't be an issue anymore considering school is more than an hour later here.

We were asked to get to the school early for an orientation. The school was the most intimidating thing I've ever looked at, even without students. Although, Dillon and Anthony didn't seem phased in the least, but they didn't have any reason to be. At our old school, my brothers were some of the most well liked kids in the whole school. I guess being prominent football players, natural born baseball stars, and definitely not unattractive seniors (I'd been informed on a daily basis by their fan girls) they didn't have to worry about negative opinions.

I, on the other hand, did. Being a teenage girl in the junior class wasn't easy, especially since I didn't have any friends and its already a month into the school year. It was going to be rough.

My brothers and I found our way to the office to get our schedules and meet the principle. Our previous school in New York City was more academically advanced considering it was a private school, resulting in not one of us three having to take any required classes we may be missing. The principle, Mr. Parrier, explained to us the bell schedule, lunch information and rules. I zoned out thoroughly looking over my schedule along with my brothers' to see if we had any corresponding classes.

Physical Education with Anthony and  AP Human Anatomy with Dillon.

Secretly enthused by the fact that I wouldn't be completely alone in those classes, I zoned back in to hear the ending of a conversation about football tryouts.

After saying our goodbyes and Mr. Parrier wishing us good luck we went off to find our lockers. We discussed our schedules and clubs we wanted to join on our way. It turns out our lockers are all beside each other. As soon as we reached our destination the bell rang for the doors to open and students began to file in progressively.

My brothers walked me to my home room. After saying goodbye to each of them, they began to walk away when Anthony turned and walked back swiftly to say, "If anybody, and I mean anybody gives you a hard time Trina, let me know." I was a little taken back by the command considering it came from Anthony, his seriousness threw me off guard too. His deep grey eyes, that were exactly the same as both Dillon's and my own, showed honesty and worry. I knew he loved me unconditionally but for him to be so blunt about it was rare.  "That means a lot to me" I said honestly, "Thank you, and I will." Without another word, I stood awkwardly and he took that at his cue to leave.

I walked into the class room to meet my new homeroom teacher who greeted me enthusiastically. "Ah! Miss Staff, I've been waiting upon your arrival" she explained with a wide grin on her face. She gave me her name, Ms. Ross, and showed me where my assigned seat would be during homeroom and once the class was full of children, more specifically, my classmates, she introduced me.

She tried to get the student's attention politely "Excuse me" to no avail. She then took a different route "Students!" she screamed making half the class, including myself jump in shock. Suddenly you could hear a pin drop and every eye was glued to the source of the outburst.

With a small satisfied smile, Ms. Ross continued, "We have a new student today and I'd like you to all help her out and be as kind as possible to her." My face instantly heated up as I felt numerous eyes on me but I decide to not look away from our instructor. "Miss Staff, would you like to introduce yourself?" Knowing I didn't have much of a choice, I begrudgingly stood up and walked to the front of the class room. "Go on" she urged when I didn't say anything.

With a slightly shaky voice, I introduced myself. "Hi, my name is Trina Staff and I am a new student." Instantly realizing my mistake my face broke out into another blush. A few chuckles later, Ms. Ross came to my rescue. Or so I thought.

"Students please. Give her a break, she just might be a little confused." I was shocked, when I glanced at her she was clearly trying not to snicker. Regrouping myself I decided to play it cool, "I must be." I said with a smile on my face. "Let me try this again" I said laughing lightly. When I saw a few encouraging looks I found the confidence to go on.

"Hi, my name is Trina. I'm from New York City and went to a Private School called Riverdale." Nobody said anything and I took that as my prompt to sit back down. A few people looked excited, and others acted as if it was just another normal day, which i was completely okay with. Attention wasn't really my strong point.

As I sat down I started organizing my binder by class. A few moments later the girl next to me said my name to get my attention. When I glanced over, she had a polite smile on her face. "Hi" I said smiling back at her bright face.

"Hello, my name is Audrey" she informed me. "Are you really from New York City?" she asked seemingly in awe. "Yes" was the only response I could come up with over her bluntness. Her expression was comical. She seemed utterly impressed.

Many people asked me questions about my family, home, and other things about me. I was as polite as I could be and answered all of their questions as satisfactory as I could. When the commotion settled down a few moments later, with still a few more questions lingering about my home, I turned to Audrey to find out if we had any classes together to get New York out of the conversation. I miss it so much.

It turns out Audrey was in my Trigonometry, History, and AP Human Anatomy. I was completely okay with this because she is the kindest person I've met in a very long time. Another girl in my homeroom also stood out, but that was probably because she was Audrey's best friend. Macy was also very kind and they both had a down to earth personality anybody would be fond of.

The bell rang so Audrey grabbed her books leading me to our first period, Trigonometry. The whole trip there, she was explaining to me things about the school. "The math wing is on the north side, science on the south, history and english on the east, and the gymnasium and other elective classes to the west." I continuously nodded at her in response, what really was there for me to say?

"Okay here is our Trig class, you will really like Mr. Pulmer, he is an amazing teacher and super nice." Audrey informed me. "Alright" I said smiling "thank you so much for helping me out, Audrey" Her only reply was a huge grin and a nod of the head. As we entered the class I'm surprised my mouth didn't hit the floor. Sitting in one of the desks was one of the most attractive guys I'd ever seen. I quickly recomposed myself and walked along side Audrey to Mr. Pulmers desk. After glancing up then back down to his paper, Mr. Pulmer did a double take. "Oh you must be Trina. I'm sorry I'm just really busy right now." I smiled politely at him and replied "It's fine, I understand"

He turned to Audrey and told  her "Thank you very much, you can take your seat I will get Trina what she needs" Audrey smiled and listened faithfully.

After receiving my book and a list of the work I'd need to make-up, Mr. Pulmer had me introduce myself, again, but this time it was much more successful. When I finished he told me where my seat was. That seat, no, that golden seat just so happened to be right next the the eye candy I practically drooled over walking in.

As I sat down, the mystery guy, smirked at me then turned his attention toward the front. A few moments later I heard somebody whisper "New York" I glanced over toward the attractive guy and I couldn't quite tell if it was him.

When I didn't respond after a few moments, he tried again "Hey, New York", I didn't blame him, I probably looked pretty zoned out. When I looked at him again and he was sure he had my attention he asked "Do you have a pencil?"

Naturally I handed him a pencil from my purse and turned my attention back to Mr. Pulmer's lecture not over analyzing it. A few moments later, I couldn't contain myself and I looked over at him unnoticeably when I saw his pencil, in the pencil holder, complete with a tip and eraser.

When I glanced at his face his eyes were on me and he smirked again, my only response, my infamous blush. I, again averted my attention to hide my embarrassment.

'This is going to be a long year' I thought.

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