He Did What? -5

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Wilford's P.O.V

"Are you sure about that?"

My face immediately went pale. WhatdoIdo?WhatdoIdo?WhatdoIdo? I slowly turned around and stand face to face with this emo, business-man, look alike.

"Hey~ Dark. How's your day?" I ask, chuckling nervously, taking a step back with every word I say. Unfortunately for me, for every one step back I take he takes two steps forward. Great just great.
"What happened to (Y/N)?"

"What do you mean she's totally fine" I lied. That was my first mistake. My second? Forgetting that she was right behind me.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'SHE'S FINE'! SHE IS LITERALLY SITTING IN A POOL OF HER OWN BLOOD!!!!!!" He yelled. Wow Dark really does care for this kid.

He let out a large sigh. "(Y/N), Henrik would you kindly leave the room." He asked stepping to the side.

(Y/N) P.O.V

We both look at each other before finally exiting the room. Not much to either of our surprises Wilford rushed out as soon as he got the opportunity to. He didn't get far.

He was at the stairs when a blue and red aura surrender him dragged him back into the room closing, and locking the door.

Like the picture above 🔝

"So vhat are ve going to do now?" Henrik questioned.

I looked at him and said "Were gonna play uno." I then grabbed him by the sleeve and dragged him down the stairs.

~Time skip brought to you be Anti making cookies. :3~

"You know what screw you Henrik." I mumble before picking up four cards.

Almost on que Dark and Wilford were, slowly but surely, coming down the stairs.

Wilford looked like in, just a few hours he could bleed out, with multiple cuts on his arms and legs and deep ones by the look of it. Dark, on the other hand, had a busted lip brises all his face and a bullet wound in his shoulder.

I look at Henrik before saying "Are you gonna do something or-"
I was cut off as he said "Dr.Iplier is already in the kitchen vaiting. Now you two shoo, off vith, you go into the kitchen"

And with that the two disappeared into the other room while Henrik and I continued our game.

Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter so sorry for the wait but to make it up to you I am posting another one right after!

Bye guys!

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