This is the End. -16

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3rd Person

This book was nothing great, it wasn't even for entertainments sake. It was supposed to tell a story of a person whose life changed. It went from torture and chains to the fact that I can't find anything to rhyme with that.

What I'm saying is that this book was just the story of an underappreciated character. Someone who was treated differently for their entire lives. That was until the were sent to a place where there were many weird people. Good weird, that is. These people were like them, understood what they went through and accepted them.

They had a great life from then on but I know what you're thinking. 'What happened to them?' Well since this is technically a chapter and not an A/N I should tell you, shouldn't I?

Well the rest of Lives went along normally. Nothing was really different than what you've read. There were various pranks and fights. You can't forget about the fights.

Dark and Anti became good friends and (Y/N) eventually found out the reason for their darker egos' hatred towards the two men. In their opinion Dark had a pretty solid reason while Anti didn't really have a great one.

Just because the book is over doesn't mean the story is. You can continue to imagine what happened beyond what I told you. Here's something that's been hinted to that never really made the cut. 'Did (Y/N) call Dark dad at one point?' Yes. Yes they did. By accident but it happened.

This is not a satisfying ending at all but it's the best that could be done. There are more stories to come, though you might have to wait. Maybe's something's going on with the guy in red? Or maybe with a certain mute. Who knows what could happen.

It's all to you to come up with what's happening next. For your personal entertainment.

Maybe you enjoyed this anyway. Maybe you didn't. Only you could know how you feel. It doesn't matter what's going on. It's always up to you. It's always your choice.

What do ya say? Wanna work on something new?

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