Why Grammar is Important

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The most important weapon in any writer's artillery is - without a doubt - their grammar. While it is considered to be a rather minuscule aspect when compared to world-building or character development grammar is what can make or break your book.

You see, what this really comes down to is the readers' ability to understand your story. If they have to keep correcting your writing in their head then chances are they're going to lose interest fairly quickly.

For example, if the first line of this chapter were written without proper grammar it would look something like this...

th e important most thiNg in anie write'rs artisrty is (without a doubt) there gramMar

Pretty bad right?

Lucky for you, there are plenty of ways to avoid mistakes like what I just showed you. The easiest, of course, would be to simply revise your writing before publishing. It can go a long way and save you from looking unprofessional.

But, you can also download programs that will check your grammar as you write. One that I use frequently is Grammarly. It's free and not only checks your spelling but also the clarity and tone of your writing.

In short...

"Good Grammar Gives Good Results."

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