Birth Month & Day

269 3 33

Prefix (first part)
The Month You Were Born

January - Frost
February - Cloud
March - Storm
April - Rain
May - Blossom
June - Honey
July - Fire
August - Sun
September - Apple
October - Breeze
November - Bumble
December - Frozen

Suffix (last part)
The Day You Were Born
(In this you kinda pretend that each day is a moon, for example 5 = 5 moons)

Leap Year - leap
1-5 - kit (You are a kit!)
6-10 - paw (You are an apprentice!)
11-15 - claw (You are a warrior, and you have great hunting skills!)
16-20 - leaf (You are a Medicine Cat!)
21-25 - bite (You are a warrior, and you have great fighting skills!)
26-30 - star (You are a leader)
31 - tail (You are an elder!)

I got Breezestar!
Sorry if you get a weird name!

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