Here we are. What can I see here? Nothing yet. Hmm... I see a dark patch of land, with blue glowing stream flowing down. Nobody to be found. Am I there myself? I suppose not. It's all in my head. I expected this stream to be red, like lava, flowing down my heart. All the pent up burden I brought this far.
I can bring any kind of a scene to my mind. My imagination has a world of it's own. I cant always control it, but it still exists within me. Or.. does it?
Then, let's become something. Let's pretend to be something. I always wanted to be a bunny. A sweet, fluffy, cute, innocent and peaceful bunny. Though looks may defy you, a benny's life only begins for it to become a prey. To serve a purpose meant for carrying out flow of energy.
The bunny must suffer for another one's survival. Likewise, a person must suffer for another's happiness. This relationship is similar to that of a parasite. I find it quite sad, and disgusting. But it's just the way it is.
As a bunny I'd be travelling through the woods, full of green grass and my fellow friends playing in that grass, feeding and enjoying the moment in which we can live. I see my brother in the distance. He himself is playing.
I would approach him and cuddle close to him. This feels nice. Brother, would you have the green grass or would like some big leafs? There are various kinds we can get.This is so nice, I wish I could stay here. I can play and see the beauty of life in the eyes of a completely different creature. What's in the next part? Let me see.. the house we have. It's small, but it's enough for us. To see from a big picture I can see that everyday is a new day. We run either to play or to save our life. It doesnt feel that bad running around, seems like an adventure to me. They dont speak, they dont speak at all but I can understand what they want to say in their silence. It's much better than all the yelling faces I see everyday.
The hectic life, I've left it behind for this life of uncertainty.Though I dont hate it, the life is being idle and working constantly which has no point is far worse than this. I dont suffer everyday, I may get scars sometimes but they dont hurt after a while, unlike how I have permanent scars. I dont cry, I cant cry. I dont have to cry. I just live, to see a new day, new friends, some enemies. I can be abandoned too, but that doesnt matter. Our instinct have no place for emotions of sadness. It's either life or death. Yes we are afraid of death, but not so much that we stop living. Theres life in me. And I want to stay like this.
It has been a week in this world. I've seen many enemies and companions. So far to say, I think this is the real gift of life. I have what it takes to be good enough. It all depends on how I do it. I succeed in escaping. Though if humans didnt exist, I might not have lost some of my companions. Some of them died, some turned to slaves. Friendship? They may become friends but they wont be able to provide a life of freedom like this one.
I'm just a bunny, I eat, mate, run, sleep, survive and be myself. Theres no pretense. Though I have no luxury, theres no difference in living standards, but I'm happy.
Various bunnies like me die for the hunting animals but it's okay. We dont suffer all our life.
So I suppose, the extravagant life is just an illusion. More money, more comfort, more companions, more fame, more talent, more, more more... you don't the MORE. YOU DON'T NEED IT. you're living a lie if you want to be rich. You're only a slave to this system, forced to do what it dictates. Can you do anything? No. Theres no way out. But you can do one thing. Stop comparing yourself with those who have all luxuries of life. Stop feeling inferior, stop feeling.
Live like the free animal you are.
Humans, are stupid. That's what animals think about humans. Do what you'd like because if you dont, then you're just wasting it away for a bunch of ignorant space monkeys, thinking what would they think about me?You were provided with a sort of story in this chapter even though it was completely unintended. I'll take it as the doing of fate, or my mind, or an inevitability, or all of them.
It might be a bit different next time. I've made it for you and me. So why not go go along with it? It's better than rotting in darkness, all alone by myself. You know what? I like you. Thanks for coming here man. Now come along, we got more stuff to do.
I am tired, and defeated
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