Be Careful What You Wish For

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    Ashley's POV

   I woke up on a hard concrete like surface. Asher, Mikaela, Laci, and Alice were sleeping beside me. People were surrounding a big building and screaming there heads off, while adults were looking at us weirdly. I sat up and looked around a bit more. There was a huge stadium to our left, little shops all around, and it was VERY hot! My head and back hurt from sleeping on concrete. How did we get here? All I remember is going to sleep last night after going to the park with our parents. The girls surrounding the building were jumping around excitedly.

   "Guys, wake up!" I yelled at my siblings. Well most of them weren't my siblings....

   "Where are we?!" Laci asked with concerned. We all stood up and looked around again.

   "OH MY GOD! IT'S ASHTON!" One of the girls yelled. Everyone turned towards us and charged. They started grabbing Asher all over and sticking out there phones. Wait a minute....Ashton as in our father?! Asher looked scared out of his mind! It was kind of funny if I'm being honest.

   "I'm not Ashton!" He yells. All the girls let out a sigh and walk back to the building except for 4.

   "I know you're not Ashton, and I don't mean to bother you or anything, but can we get a picture with you?" One of the girls asks. Oh my god, it's my......MOM! But they're all so young!

   "Mom! It's you! You look so young!" Asher exclaims. Our mothers give him a questioning look.

   "Um..sorry you must be thinking of someone else. I'm not your mother. My name's Julie! This is Valerie, Camryn, and Alex!" Mom says. He's about to say something else, but I cover his mouth before he can.

   "Sorry about him! He's had a rough night! Do you mind telling us where we are exactly?" I ask.

   "You're in California, at the 1D concert!" What?! No. No. No. This isn't possible!

   "What year is it?!" I ask frantically.

   "Umm 2014...Sorry to bother you again. We'll just be going now!" Alex says dragging the three others with her. The girls surrounding the building are screaming even louder now. Camera flashes start going off from teenage girls phones. I even see one girl run from the crowd and roll around the grass happily.

   "Laci, what did you do?!" Asher yells.

   "I didnt do anything! I swear!" I cover my face with my hands. This is all my fault. That stupid shooting star worked! My heart is beating a thousand miles per hour right now! The screams start to die down and I see our moms walk out of the crowd. We walk over to them hesitantly. Tears were rolling down Alex's face.

   "Why are you crying?" Laci asks.

   "5 Seconds Of Summer just came out and we missed our chance to get a picture." Camryn explains. 5 Seconds Of Summer...that's our dad's band!

   "I have a crazy idea!" My mom says out of nowhere.

   "Oh no. What is it?" Alex asks with a sigh.

  "You know how 5sos leaves right after they perform?!" They nod. "We could sneak backstage during the concert, break into their dressing room, meet them, and then sneak back out." I've heard this story a billion times from our dads before. I never thought I'd actually be able to see it happen before.

   "That's crazy, but it just might work!" Alex tapped her chin.

   "It will work." Alice confirmed.

   "But we could get kicked out of the concert!" Camryn wines.

   "Well then Alex and I will go and you and Val can stay here. Do you guys wanna come with us?" Julie questions. I nod eagerly, but Asher pulls me away from the group.

   "Ashley, we can't. We need to find a way to get back to our world." He whispers to me.

   "I know, but until then we should stay near our parents." I explain. He sighs and nods in agreement.

   "So is that a yes?" Alex asks us.


   "Cool. So where are you guys sitting in the stadium?" Julie questions. Oh crap, I didn't think of this part.

   "Uh we don't have tickets." I say awkwardly.

   "Then what are those?" They point towards my front pocket. 5 purple tickets stick out slightly. I take them out and hand them to our mothers. Valerie's eyes light up with excitement.

   "You're right next to us!"

    -4 Hours Later-

   We spent the rest of the time waiting for the concert gates to open with the girls. They were pretty cool. It was wierd seeing my mom act this way though. Now we're in the stadium standing in front of our seats. Suddenly, the stage lights up with the word 5SOS. Julie, Valerie, Camryn, and Alex scream loudly along with all the other girls in the stadium. One the big screen I see my father walk out. Woah, he's fit! A grey bandana is tied around his dirty blonde, wild, curly hair. He looks so much like Asher it's scary. Dad twirls the drum sticks in his hand then hits the drums once. The crowd goes absolutely crazy. Next uncle Cal and uncle Mikey run on stage, guitar in hand. Michael is no longer bald and has wild red hair sticking out everywhere. Uncle Calum's precious beard that he worked so hard on growing is gone and he's even more tan. They all look about our age or a little older. Then uncle Luke comes out. His blonde hair is styled into an extremely high quiff. The next time I see him in our world I'll have to make fun of him for that. There's no rings on their fingers which makes my heart hurt a lot. I'm never going to remember that they're not married as to our moms right now.

   "I wish that I was 18." Luke sings. My dads arms fling everywhere as he drums. This is so wierd.

   "She's got a naughty tattoo in a place that I wanna get to." Michael sings. Uncle Mikey, that's not appropriate!

   "YAS MICHAEL YAS!" Val screams. Mikaela's eyes widen and she covers her ears. They play a few more songs then say goodbye and walk off stage. Alex and Julie turn towards us with wide smiles plastered on their faces.

   "Okay, let's do this!" Alex yells. We start walking through all the isles of seats. This is it. I'm coming dad.






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