Smooth. Real Smooth.

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    Asher's POV

   This is crazy. We're stuck in a different world and all Ashley, Mikaela, Alice, and Laci cares about is sneaking back stage at my dads band's concert. I just want to go back home, and stop getting attacked by all these fangirls. Do I really look that much like my dad when he was younger?

   "Look! There's their dressing room!" Mom whispers to us, pointing towards a big black door. I hate to admit it, but my mom was pretty hot at this age.

   "Do we just like....walk in?" I ask.

   "I guess." Laci says. Aunt Alex takes a big breath before pulling the door open. I step in behind the girls. My father, Uncle Cal, Uncle Luke, and Uncle Mikey stand there awkwardly. There much younger and have less facial hair. Holy sh*t! Dad does look like me!

   "Um, you're not supposed to be in here." Calum says. I notice dad staring at me curiously. I rub the back of my neck awkwardly. None of the girls say anything and neither do I.

   "I think they're harmless." Luke states. The four nod in agreement. I shove Alex with my elbow slightly to get her to talk.

   "Yah, we're harmless." She squeaks out. The boys give us friendly smiles.

   "So what are your names?" My dad asks. I guess I should probably start calling him Ashton.

   "I'm Julie, this is Alex, Mikaela, Alice, Laci, Ashley, and Asher." Mom introduces all of us.

   "I just have one question." Michael says. We nod for him to go on. "How on Earth did you get passed security?!"

   "There was none." Ashley explains.

   "So do you guys want a picture, or are you here to kidnap us?" Luke asks. The girls let laugh. Kidnapping huh? Not a bad idea. Maybe they could help us get back home....

   "A picture would be nice, but kidnapping would be more long-term." Julie says. This sends everyone into laughter. Mom and I think alike, nice to know for the future. Alex and Julie take out their phones and hand them to me. Our fathers wrap their arms around all the girls. I snap a pic on each phone. Suddenly, the doors burst open and a pack of security barge in. Each one grabs one of us. I nod as a goodbye and Ashton nods back. Before I get dragged out I see Alex grab Luke's arm and scribble something down on his arm. I remember hearing this story. Our parents used to tell it to us all the time. Alex put her phone number on Uncle Luke's arm and they ended up texting. That's how there whole relationship started. So the next part of this story must involve texting.

    Mikaela's POV

   One Direction's on stage now. They're better than I expected. I thought they would be all pop and boybandy, but so far I've loved all of their songs.

   "How is everybody tonight?" Niall asks the crowd. We all scream in response.

   "Did you find them?" Harry attempts to whisper to Liam. He still has the microphone to his lips though, idiot.

   "No." Liam whispers back. Girls around us whisper in confusion. I'm not confused at all though. I've heard this story millions of times. I know what they're going to say before they even say it.

   "Sorry, we're just looking for Luke and Ashton's new crushes." Harry explains. It's Alex and Julie obviously.

   "They said they were very beautiful, but it's hard to tell because you're all beautiful!" Liam exclaims. Smooth Liam. Real smooth.

   "And that brings us to our last song. What Makes You Beautiful!"

   Alice, Ashley, Asher, Laci, and I stand outside the stadium wondering what to do for the night. It's probably 2:00 in the morning by now. People are still drifting out of the concert slowly, not wanting to leave. Someone taps on my shoulder. I turn around to see Julie, Alex, Camryn, and Mom, oops I mean Valerie.

   "Why are you guys still out here? Are your parents late or something?" Julie asks. If you mean stuck in a different time then yes, they're late.

   "Uh no...we kind of um...." Ashley starts to say. She looks at me for help.

   "Orphans! Yah, we're orphans." I explain.

   "Really?! So are we! Do you guys still live in the orphanage, or is it a foster care type thing?" Val's asks quickly.

   "Foster care. The people there are really...abusive?" I say it more as a question. The four girls eyes widen.

   "Then you're not going back. You guys can come live with us for awhile until we can figure something else out. Our apartment's not very big, it's actually really small, but I'm sure we can make it work! I could room with some of you, or I could sleep on the couch if you want-" Camryn rambles on about all of her ideas for us to be comfortable here.

   "You would let us stay with you guys?" They nod. "Awesome! We won't be too much of a bother, I promise."

    -That Night- Ashley's POV

   "Well, here we are! Home sweet home." Alex says opening the door. It's a plain apartment. Small, but still feels like a home. I can't remember living here, but mom told me I spent 2 years of my childhood here. After everyone got married we moved to Australia, so we could be closer to our relatives. I can see One Direction posters and posters of our dads hanging inside one of the bedrooms. Little drawings and quotes are placed everywhere around the room. There are some pizza boxes visible from the kitchen. Overall it just seems like any old apartment.

   The sleeping arrangement goes like this: Alice with Camryn, Mikaela with Valerie, Laci with Alex, Asher on the couch, and me with Julie. It's funny how all the girls managed to choose their own daughters. Now I'm laying next to mom in the small bed, blankets pulled up to my chest.

   "I always wanted to name my first born Ashley." Julie mumbles.

   "Are you still going to?" I ask.

   "Of course. Now I can tell everyone that I named her after you." I let that thought process in my mind as I fall asleep.





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