" I can't eat my friend."
" If I was your friend and I died I'd want you to do something with my body."
"Yeah, bury you with a proper funeral. "
Annabelle is gullible but not gullible enough to believe in the supernatural world Rain keeps...
" Evolve is a poor place that's why you probably never heard of it ." Rain was lying, partly.
" The people there only eat a special kind of meat and only drink something from the special meat ." 'The human blood but I don't want to scare her away. ' Rain sniffed the air and stared at Annabelle. He wasn't that hungry, at least not yet.
"The people there are messed up because a long long time ago they found a way to feed themselves, but to feed themselves they had to do this brutal thing ." He said as he made sure to make his voice sound creepier.
" And then one day people started thinking 'Why should I be nice to the people around me? Why can't I be brutal to them too? 'And so they started, being brutal to each other. "Annabelle was gullible but she was not that gullible, so she raised her hand and he gladly ignored her.
" And as a result of what happened, long ago. 99% of the time the parents leave their kids. But every kid is born with a parent of some kind thanks to the Nice " Late Kate ." The Parent is like a spirit animal but it talks and raises you, it's a robot so don't become attached to it. "
" So where's your spirit animal?" She asked as she made air quotes.
" I made him stay ."
" Why?"
" Because he did something I didn't want him to do." He said as he stared at the watermelon, only now had he noticed that the color of the watermelon was somewhat similar to human blood. The last thing he needed was to think about blood. " Can I continue my story?"Rain said as he looked up and stared her in the eyes.
" Sure, I love real stories like the real story you're telling me!" She said sarcastically. She then quickly avoided his gaze.
"Anyway if you ended up being bullied the spirit animal would point out what you did wrong ( even though you already know what you did wrong). Nice kids make mean kids, mean kids make Mean kids , Mean kids make nice kids miserable until they become mean kids. I guess you get the point."
" Sure." By the way, she did not understand a word. She was still stuck on the part about the spirit animal.
" People die every day, some people refuse to be brutal!" He said as he held up a small piece of the watermelon. He stared at it like it was photos to old memories.
"Nice! You have people who want to make a difference. " She said as she moved closer.
" And right now they're dead!" He said as he shoved the piece of watermelon down his throat.
"Oh, well that's nice to know!" She watched as he picked up another small piece of watermelon. 'Boy is he hungry.'
" If you're not brutal, you die, if you were in that situation what would you do?" He knew it was a stupid question for the answer was obvious, but he had to know how she would respond. How Annabelle would respond.
"I wouldn't be brutal." She spoke confidently as she shook her hair trying to get the water out of her hair. 'I just going to ignore the fact that she looks like a supermodel.'
"But if you're not brutal you won't get your food!"
"Well, then I guess I'd be brutal! Food is life, why give it up just so someone can live to see another day," she said as she sighed. He wasn't given her much of a choice on that question.
"Why ?"
"Because I've always been brutal. " She admitted and he looked up from the watermelon to her.
" Everyone in my place is brutal. "
"Really what do you do that's brutal ?" ' Because I'm pretty sure you guys don't kill humans for a living. '
"We eat meat! We kill animals and we eat their meat. We are brutal!" She said and this time she was the one that picked up another piece of watermelon.
"We also pull plants out of their homes and eat them. We may be more brutal than you." Her answer was oddly similar to the answer someone else gave him. Someone that wa-
"Why would you be more brutal than us ?" He said interrupting his own thoughts.
"Well, we kill bugs because they're ugly and gross. We kill them for no other reason except for their looks, now that's brutal." She said with a smirk, 'How did I even come up with such a response? I must be a growing genius!'
" Some become vegetarian because they don't want to be brutal!" He said as he looked at the watermelon. This time he didn't try to not see that it almost looked like human blood
"But they are brutal to the plants they eat and some can't be vegetarian because their doctor says that they might die without meat, something like that."
"Everyone is brutal. Case closed." She said as she clapped her hands.
" What if you were like meat to some other animal and that animal wanted to eat you."
"Well, then I'd be sad !" She said as she tried to put the pieces together. She knew he was lying about getting her in a shipwreck. He was lying about kidnapping girls, lying about another place, and she's now starting to think he eats human flesh.
"Why ?"
"Because I don't want to die!" She said as she threw her hands in the air (a sign that he should stop asking her questions). He doesn't get the memo obviously because he keeps on talking.
" But all the meats and plants you ate didn't want to die either. Why are you soo special? If you can eat something, something can eat you too."
" I don't know that's the circle of life, but I don't want to die!"
"That's where it always repeats itself."
" On the part where something or someone says " I don't want to die ." That part has no answer because it's a statement and statements aren't meant to be answered." He said as he threw her a piece of watermelon.
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