chapter 5

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when school is over taehyung meets another guy. "you are so cute omg!" taehyung just looks at him. "why are you talking to me?", he asks the stranger.

"because you are so cute? stupid question.", he says. "so you talk to everyone that is cute?", taehyung asks, looking at him suspiciously.

"well... i've never see someone this cute before." taehyung's trust issues want to tell him that this is just a stupid fuckboy, but something inside of him tells him that that's not true.

"okayy. i have to go home now.", he says and just leaves the stranger with wide shoulders and plump lips alone.

he walks home and thinks about his first day on the new school. it was ok. the lessons were boring and yeah the usual things.

after 10 minutes he enters his house.

"mom, dad! i'm back!", he says and goes to the kitchen, but they aren't there.

"mom? dad?", he goes to the livingroom and sees that there also not there.

after looking in another rooms and calling their names, he accepts that they aren't home.

he goes to his room to put his bag on his bed and right after that he leaves the house again to go for a walk.

he walks 30 minutes until he's in that stupid part of town.

he keeps on walking until someone is grabbing him by his shoulders and pulls him away from the street.

when he turns around he sees another guy with tattoos and piercings.

"goddamnit.", taehyung says. "how many more hot guys with tattoos and piercings will i see?", he asks.

"you think i'm hot?", he asks while smoking a cigarette. "shut up.", taehyung says.

"well... who did you meet besides me?" the stranger that is the smaller than taehyung says.

"jeongguk... hoseok... you.."

"ah, i see.", he replies. "do you know them?" the stranger blows out the smoke before answering. "they're my best friends."

taehyung gets excited. "can i talk to jeongguk?", he asks. yoongi just stares at him for a few seconds.


taehyung can't believe this.

"well okay then, if he doesn't want to see me, it's okay. i'm not gonna run after anyone."

"tell me why you want to see him."

"doesn't matter anymore. i'm going home."

"jeongguk doesn't want to see you. you should concentrate on other things."

"wait- did you and jeongguk talk about me?", he asks curiously. "yeah, they already told me about you."

"d-did he say that he doesn't want to see me?", he asks and is kind of scared of the answer. "yes he did." taehyung feels sad. but of course he won't show.

taehyung sighs frustrated. never in his entire life he thought that it'd be so hard just to see someone.

taehyung feels sad now. then no matter how much of a sassy bitch he is, he still has a sensitive side. and he doesn't want to allow his sensitive side to take the best of him now.

"even if i wanted to take you to him, he's not here right now anyway."

"i already told you it's okay. i don't want to see him anymore."

taehyung can't be that extremely desperate that he keeps searching for someone who doesn't want to see him. he'll forget about jeongguk completely.

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