chapter 10

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after they all checked up on each other and made sure that everyone's fine, jeongguks talking about a serious topic.

"tae we need to talk.", he says. "what's wrong?"

jeongguk sits down and pulls taehyung down by his hand so he sits down too.

"i've already talked to the others about this... and i think that you shouldn't come here anymore."

jeongguk really hates to do this and he really doesn't want to send taehyung back home but after what happened earlier he realized that there it's even more dangerous than at his home.

"what? but i thought we were friends now-"

"calm down baby.", jeongguk says. taehyungs eyes widen because of that. he already calls him baby..

"it's not safe here for you. not even with me. today it were only 2 guys and we were more, but imagine when 10 guys show up, how am i able to protect you?"

the thought of so many guys showing up and hurting jeongguk upsets taehyung. he just wants them to leave jeongguk alone.

"b-but i like it here. i like your apartment and i like your bed. i don't feel comfortable in my own house.", he says sadly.

"i mean how are we supposed to see each other? i-"

"taehyung, please.", jeongguk begs. "no! jeongguk i-"

"taehyung listen. it will not always be like that. after a while they will forget the drug thing and don't come to me anymore. i stopped selling drugs only 1 month ago, we need to give it some more time. i'm sure that in 2 months or something no one will show up anymore."

"a-and til then i can't see you? for 2 months? or probably even more?"

"taehyung please, i just want the best for you-"

"can you please leave? i want to talk to jeongguk alone for a minute.", he asks the others nicely and they leave room.

he doesn't know how to put it into words what he wants to say. he stays quiet.

jeongguk just stares at him. nothing more.

"i feel different when i'm with you.",taehyung then mumbles embarrassed.

"i know exactly what you mean.", jeongguk says since it feels like he and taehyung are soulmates or something, something his mother used to tell him about when he was little.

"i really don't want to push you away, i just want you to be safe.", he replies sadly.

"come.", he says and stretches his arms out. taehyung goes to him and sits down on his lap. he wraps his arms around jeongguks neck and jeongguk wraps his arms around taehyungs waist.

"you can stay, okay? and you can come whenever you want to, but i want your phone number and i want that you call me as soon as you want to come here and i will pick you up. i don't want you to walk here alone. did anyone harass you?"

"sometimes they tried.", he says and smiles.

"i feel like i've known you for years."

"you're so cute." taehyung smiles at that.

"i will do everything to protect you. and until they leave us alone, i will fight them to protect you. i won't let anyone hurt you."

taehyung smiles and hugs him tightly for the last time, before the others come in again. taehyung goes down from his lap and sits down next to him.

"what decision did you make jeongguk?"

"i will not allow that we can't see each other just because of this drug addicted fuckers. like i've said before.. in probably 2 months or something they will leave us alone and until then i'll protect taehyung. and you guys help me with that."

"of course.", they say and taehyung feels kind of guilty but he doesn't say anything.

"soo.. you wanna stay over?", jeongguk asks and taehyung starts to laugh. "yeah."

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