chapter 31

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i don't know what's wrong but please stop crying
you're not answering my calls
i love you more than anything

taehyung finally managed to fall
asleep somehow earlier. but he's awake now and reads jeongguk's message.

it's 6 am.

he misses jeongguk and the pain is still so bad.

he is so tired and feels so weak.

but his heart skips a beat when he hears the door ringing. he assumes that it's his father, that's why he starts trembling again.

he can heat the bedroom's door opening, that means that his mother stood up to open the door.

he can't hear anyone talking, he doesn't know who it is.

but taehyung's mother does.

"where is he?"

"in his room."

and that's enough to make jeongguk run upstairs.

taehyung's shaking as he hears the quick footsteps, thinking it's his father who came back to hurt him again.

but god.. he couldn't ever describe the feeling of seeing jeongguk in a situation like this.


it's a reflex of taehyung that he sits up as soon as he sees jeongguk.

he doesn't even feel the pain from
sitting up.

he starts to sob as jeongguk immediately runs to him, sits down on the bed and pulls him into his arms.

"baby, i'm here.", he says and wraps his arms around taehyung's back but he stops quickly when he hears taehyung whimpering.


"angel, are you hurt? what's wrong?"

but taehyung just keeps on crying.
"it hurts so bad, please make the pain go away, please.", he cries and jeongguk frowns.

he realizes now that taehyung isn't wearing a shirt and when he moves a bit to look at taehyung's back, he gasps.

"oh my god."

taehyung just cries, grabbing jeongguk's shoulders and holding onto them tightly while crying into jeongguk's chest.

"h-he k-knows t-that y-you're m-my b-boyfriend g-gukk."

jeongguk feels his blood boiling.

he stands up and carefully lifts taehyung up, holding him up by his thighs while his arms are wrapped around jeongguk's neck as he's still crying.

jeongguk goes downstairs quickly with taehyung in his arms.

he leaves the house, not without slamming the door shut since he's that angry, he could burn the whole
house down now. but not without pushing taehyung's father inside.

"baby, listen to me.", jeongguk says as they arrive at jeongguk's car. "i will sit you down on the passenger seat now and it'll hurt, but just until
we're at my apartment. can you be strong for me?", he asks and taehyung nods.

jeongguk kisses his forehead before he carefully lets him down on the passenger seat, hearing how he whimpers in pain. it breaks jeongguk's heart over and over again but at the same time he only gets angrier.

jeongguk starts the car, holding himself back from hitting the wheel. "i will fucking kill him.", he just says over and over again while taehyung can't do anything than trying to handle the pain and cry.

taehyung hears how angry jeongguk is, that's why he softly reaches his hand out to grab jeongguk's.

at that, jeongguk looks at taehyung and it hurts him so bad to see him like this.

he can barely hold his eyes open and his skin is pale, while tears are leaving his eyes and he's whimpering over and over again.

"it's ok baby. you're so strong, everything will be alright.", jeongguk says and strokes taehyung's hand

after 5 minutes, in which jeongguk drived in fullspeed, they arrive at jeongguk's apartment.

he quickly gets out of the car to lift taehyung up, who clings to him like his life depends on it.

he holds onto jeongguk's shoulders so tightly, his nails are digging into jeongguk's skin, but he doesn't mind at all.

taehyung is freezing since he's not wearing a shirt, but he feels a little bit better when he feels the warmth of jeongguk's apartment.

jeongguk sits down but he doesn't let taehyung down to lay him down because he knows he wouldn't want that.

he sits down with taehyung on his lap, who's still crying into his chest.

jeongguk immediately takes his phone out and calls jin.

but he screams a "fuck.", when jin doesn't pick up after calling for the third time.

he can feel taehyung flinch against his body because he just yelled.

"i'm sorry.", jeongguk says and kisses his head. he wants to wrap
his arms around taehyung's body and hold him as close as possible
but he doesn't dare to touch his wounded back.

jeongguk tries to call jin again and he thanks god when he picks up.

"hello?", jin asks and he must've just woken up.

"come to my apartment. now.", jeongguk says and jin frowns.

"what? you're back? where is namjoo-

"just come!", jeongguk says more loudly now and jin understands that something must be really wrong.

"i'll be there in 10.", jin says and hangs up the call.

jeongguk pays his attention to taehyung again. he pays his attention to his little angel who is whimpering
in his arms, still holding onto jeongguk tightly.

"i'm so sorry.", jeongguk says and he can feel his eyes fill with tears. he never thought that he could love someone so much that it could make him cry. because jeongguk never cries, but taehyung is his weak spot. but still he tries to stay strong and hold his tears back.

taehyung's little whimpers are so
heartbreaking to hear.

"i-it's n-not y-your f-fault. h-he w-would've f-found o-out s-some d-day a-anyway."

jeongguk kisses his head over and over again.

"i-it h-hurts s-so b-bad.", taehyung cries out. "it'll be fine pup, jin hyung will be here any minute to take care of you. you're so strong, you're doing well."

"w-will y-you s-stay w-with m-me?"

"of course i will. always.", jeongguk replies and kisses his cheek.

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