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I hopped off my trusty steed, stumbling into the castle still shaken from the frightening encounter I had just experienced with the ruthless leader. 

I ran through the palace to find my sister to tell her of the strange warriors I had encountered in the outskirts of Agard. Just as I turned the corner that would lead to her quarters, I bumped into a small party of service women.

"Princess Vara" they said and bowed in unison. I encouraged them to stand and pushed through them, determined to find my sister.

"Vara!" my mother's voice sounded near the tail of the small party immediately halting my path. I sighed beneath my breath, cursing my unfortunate circumstance, then bravely turned to face her.

"Mother!!" I smiled  ingenuously, holding up a pair of outstretched arms. She pouted and dropped her head to the floor as she observed my dampened dress. "Where have you been? And why are you soaking wet!" she grabbed both my wrists with concern.

"I...Well" I couldn't find the lie.

"What is wrong my child? You look as if you have just seen a ghost?" she frowned, feeling my shoulders for warmth.

"I am fine mother" I pushed her off nervously and turned to smooth my dampened curls.

"Vara...Tell me why you are wet and shivering" she exclaimed as she looked down to my dripping gown. I bit my lip nervously and looked away, desperately avoiding to meet her gaze.

"You snuck out the palace again? Didn't you" she frowned, concerned with my wellbeing.

"Mother....I only went for a quick swim in the forest spring. We never had a warm day like this in Angard" I tried to explain but she was hearing none of it.

"Come" she pulled my waist and gently pushed me towards the opposite direction, closer to my own quarters so I could prepare for the banquet; I was already late as it was.

"Mother...please you must listen to me! Our kingdom will soon be attacked" I tried to warn her but she chuckled dismissively, running a gentle palm through my hair. "Enough of that daughter! We must not be late for your sister's banquet! And do behave Vara" she goaded, closing the door behind her so my servants would have time to prepare.

"But..." I whispered against the closed door, dragging a palm against its surface. I had to find Freyja and warn her....before it was too late.


With the last brush of a filled brow , my handmaidens fell back and waited in the shadows for my approval. I took a deep glance into the looking glass and nodded in approval, it was their sign to disperse. They bowed in obedience and left me alone in the silence of the room.

I adjusted the straps of my emerald green dress, making sure to emphasize each of my humble assets and pulled my tiara to the top of my crown.

Delicately, I ran a palm through my long braid and nodded to the mirror with satisfaction; I could not help but admit how pleasing I looked.


Trumpets blew in the distance as start of the banquet commenced. Two of the palace soldiers came to my doors to escort me to the banquet hall. I saw Bijou eyeing each guests as they trickled into the festive castle. He was the foreign head guard my father had put in charge of affairs of the castle and beyond.

He met my gaze and tilted his head to acknowledge my presence. He bent down to listen to my words as I signaled him to approach, "Keep your eyes out for any disturbances or....inconsistencie." I warned him.

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