Thirty Four

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Lightly edited!
Just wanted to update for you guys!!!


The girls perky breasts bounces freely as she rocks above my body. Small gasps and groans came then silence altogether. Seconds passed then minutes before my annoyance took flight.

"Mmmm" she moans again, spreading her cheeks wider so I could enter in. She finally had her fill and collapses against my body, gently running a palm against my sweaty chest.

This girl was nothing to me.
She was all air and bones with nothing to grab.
Women after women came to my bed but all I could think about was Vara and how foolish I was to deny her my affection. I was a fool to reject her before and now? I understood that our distance made my heart grow stronger. I truly had feelings for Vara..maybe even in lov—-

"Ahhh!!!" the girl let out a snarled moan.
That was far more than enough.

"Get off" I cursed, gently pushing her off. She pouted staring at my chest before fuming. "I wasn't finished Baldr!"

"But I am. Here" I pass her 50 danais, eager to end the meeting. She fumes at my dismissal then scoffs, hastily pulling on her clothes before slamming open the door to my room.

Once I was finally left alone, I pace to my bath, thinking of Vara again, imagine her supple curves. How strange was I? I had actually memorized her features but have forgotten how she warm her touch was, the way she felt in my arms.

Before I drop a hand to latch onto my pulsing manhood, a knock sounded.

"FUCK OFF!" I yell, already knowing it was was Krodam. He enters in anyway and stares at me from across the room. In his hand was a long scroll, sealed at the side.

"Don't look at me like that" I hissed not even meeting his eyes. I knew Krodam was judging, even if he said nothing.

"I just came here to say we got another sighting. They were at a near a town near the western sea. No one asked where they were going but they saw a woman amongst his ship. It matched Varas features."

"And which way were they going?" I snap, annoyed by his lack of details.

"It was unclear" Krodam sighs, pushing the scroll into my hands. I snatch it from his reach and crush it beneath my fingers. What use did a stupid scroll have to me if it had no information on Vara's whereabouts?

Igor was true to his words; he was taking me all over the seas and I couldn't stand it. I was tired of this wild goose chase.

Krodam looked at the wrinkled bedsheets before turning back to me "Sleeping with them won't bring her back"

"Good day Krodam" I say, dispelling any attempts of a lecture. Krodam knew his message was clear and I was hearing it loud enough. Krodam was truly a friend, my closest confidant,  but I didn't need his lecture....not right now.

I needed Vara.

"You know where she is going but you are scared; fearful of what will happen if you face her. You are scared of an outcome and a future that does not involve you" he says.

"I said good day Krodam" I seethed looking away to face the wall. Anger and rage brewed in my spirit as I heard his words. I didn't care for them, no matter the accuracy.

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