Chapter 5

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Alexis POV

I drove home slowly, giving myself time to think about today's events, aka, Xander. 15 minutes later, I opened the door to my house and was immediately hit with the scent of freshly baked brownies.


"In the kitchen!" I dropped my bag on the couch and made my way into the kitchen. My dad walked in a few seconds later.

"Mum, can I ask you for some advice?"

"Sure, what's it about?" She answered.

"Xander. He said that he liked me today and I didn't know what to say back because he is a player and I sure as hell know that I don't want to get hurt by him." I said. My parents looked at each other and exchanged worried glances.

"Why do you guys look so worried?"

"Honey, we have to tell you something important, but first let's sit down on the couch because it's a long story." I followed them to the couch. I moved my bag to the floor and sat down. What could it be about? Why did they look so worried when I mentioned Xander?

"Where should I start?" My Mum said. She was probably voicing her thoughts.

"Maybe from the beginning?"

"Right well um.... how do I say this?... we aren't your biological parents."

"What?! How?" Now that I look at them, I realize, that we don't look anything alike. The only thing the same about them and me, is our hazel eyes. My mum has blonde hair, my dad has black hair and I have brown hair. Even though they aren't my real parents, they have taken care of me for 18 years, which is more than I can say for my biological parents. I will always consider them my parents though. Except for my dad of course.

"When you were born, your real parents gave you to us and said to protect you."


"We don't know. They wouldn't tell us but I have to tell you something else. Promise you won't freak out?"

"Depends on what you're gonna say."

"Ok... well you know all of those werewolf fantasy/fiction books you read?"

"Yes..." I said wearily.

"Well, they aren't just fantasies. They are real." What the heck? That is so cool, but where is she headed with this?

"You mean, they actually live in the world with us?"

"Yes, they do. And this is the part where I don't want you to freak out."


"You're one of them." I paused, thinking that through.

"How come I didn't know this before?" I said excited but kinda scared at the same time.

"We made a promise to your parents to only tell you on your 18th birthday."

"Why? What's so special about my 18th birthday?" I said confused. My mum hesitated before she answered.

"An hour before the exact time of your birth, you will hear a voice inside your head. That is your wolf. And at the exact time of your birth, you will have your first shift."

"My first shift. What does that mean?"

"When you shift, it will be very painful. Your bones will start breaking and you will start turning in to a wolf. Your shift will take about an hour." What. The. Fuck. That sounds so painful. I don't wanna have to go through that for a WHOLE hour.

"Ok.... but what does all of this have to do with Xander? Wait. Don't tell me that he's a werewolf too."

"He is. Do you believe in soulmates Lexi?"


"Well, because you are a werewolf, you have mates. Mates are your other half. You cannot live without the,. If they die, then you die. You can find your mate at any point after you have had your first shift. You will know who your mate is because you will smell a heavenly scent and the scent will lead you to your mate. Only your mate will smell like that." I stayed silent, processing all of this information. It's good to know that someone will love you unconditionally.

"Lexi? Did you hear what I said?"

"Yes. Since Xander turned 18 last week and he said he liked me today...does that mean that we are mates???"


"No! Why did I have to have a mate like Xander. Couldn't he have waited?" I whispered.

"He's a boy Lexi. They have needs. But now that he has found you, he won't be sleeping around anymore because his wolf refuses to."


"Because his wolf wont want a girl unless it's his mate and because he is an Alpha, he will be extra possessive of you."

"What's an Alpha?"

"An alpha is the leader of the werewolf pack. The beta is second in command and the gamma is third in command. If you accept him as your mate, then you will become Luna and rule beside him."

"What do you mean 'if I accept him'?" My mum sighs.

"You can reject him by saying 'I Alexis Jade Parker, reject you Xander Jacob Harris, to be my mate'. If you do that, you will feel the mate bond disappear, but only if he accepts your rejection. I hope that you do not do that young lady, or else he will be heartbroken." She gives me the look. You know, the look when she says that if I go against her, there will be consequences.

"Well, he would've deserved it." I muttered under my breath.

"No one deserves that kind of thing, even if he is a player, his wolf would not let him sleep with anyone else besides you, now that he has found his mate. Which reminds me to make sure that males stay away from you and to show that you have a mate and have accepted it, you have to complete the bond. To complete the bond, Xander has to mark you by biting your neck and then you have to mate."

"Ouch.....Wait do you mean mate as in... do the deed?"


" I will not mate with him." My mum gives me look again. I sigh and continue.

"Until he has proven to be worthy of my time." I finish. That wasn't what I wanted to say but my mum is pretty scary when she gets mad, so I'm not going to take that chance.

"That's my girl. Now, that was a lot of information to take in, so why don't you think about it while getting ready for your party? But don't change yet because during your shift, your clothes will rip." She says, I get up, grab my bag and head up the stairs towards my room.

"By the way, you should connect with your wolf around 4:30 and your shift should start at 5:30. Don't worry, the party starts at 9 so you will have plenty of time to rest after your shift." She calls behind me.

I freeze and look at the time on my phone. It is 4 right now, which means I only have half an hour before my wolf speaks to me. I flop down on my bed and sigh. Why can't I just have a normal life? I laughed at the thought. Anything to do with me from now on is going to be anything but normal.


That was a long chapter. It was probably a bit boring, but it took a while to write. I'll keep updating whenever I can.


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