Chapter 8

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Sorry, I haven't updated in a while. Let me know if you guys want another chapter in Xander's POV. Anyways you can get back to the story now.


Alexis POV

I fell asleep quite quickly after my kiss with Xander. The next morning, the first thing I heard was Roni.

"Cmon Lexi! Get up. Get up. Get up."

"5 more minutes" I replied, still half asleep.

"Nope." She said, popping the 'p'.



"What are you gonna do about it?" She stayed silent and left. Good. Now I can go back to sleeping. A few moments later, cold water was thrown on me. I bolted upright.

"What the fuck Roni!?" I screamed at her. Roni was doubled over, hysterically laughing.

"Well you asked me what I was gonna do about it, so I did something about it." She replied.

"Ugh!" I made a mental note to change my bedsheets as soon as I can.

"Why did you even wake me up this early?"

"Cause we have to buy you better clothes now that Xander is going to be constantly staring at you."


"So? Really? Did what I say not answer your question?"

"Not really?"

"Well since I have to spell it out for you.... we are going shopping! Yay!"

"No. Not yay." In case you haven't noticed, I hate shopping. Shopping with Roni is even worse. She throws a whole bunch of clothes at you and  try all of them on and then, which ever ones she's satisfied with, she will buy them, whether you want it or not. I get up and get in the shower.

I put on my clothes and headed downstairs

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I put on my clothes and headed downstairs. I only had time to grab an apple before Roni dragged me out of the door.

3 hours of boring shopping later, we headed into the last store. I read the sign. Victoria's Secret. Fuck no. I was not going in there.

"Roni! I am not going in there."

"Yes you are."

"Nuh uh"

"Yes. Now come on." She dragged me in by the wrist. She let go once she spotted something that she liked. Jeez that woman has a killer grip and she isn't even a werewolf. I saw my bruise already fading.

"Lexi! Look at this! You have to get it." She whined.

"No." I replied immediately after I saw what she was holding up. It was a dark red and barely covered anything. There was no fucking way that I would be getting that. She payed for her stuff and we exited the store. The drive home was in silence due to our exhaustion.

I saw someone's car parked in the driveway and it looked familiar but I just couldn't think of whose it was. A forest and peppermint smell filled my nostrils.

'Mate!' Mel shouted.

I opened the door to see Xander talking to my parents. I took my shopping bags and was on my way towards them when Roni handed me an extra bag.

"You can thank me later." She whispered and walked off to stand near my parents. I looked into the bag and saw the skimpy red lingerie. I blushed. Oh no she did not.

"Can I see what's in there that's making you blush so much?" Xander says teasingly. He starts walking forwards and I take a few steps backwards. His head is inches away from mine. All signs of teasing are now gone from his face. We both stare into each other's eyes. His bold hazel eyes are sparkling with—


He leans in and I almost give in, but then, I remember. I mentally smirk, knowing that what I am going to do will embarrass him. I lean in only to move my lips to his ear

"Limits. Remember?" I whisper. Xander moves his head back and clears his throat. A blush creeps up his neck and cheeks. I smirk.

"Awww. Is the big bad Alpha Xander blushing?"

"No" he scoffs. I raise my eyebrow. He blushes even more. I grab my bags and head to my room.

"Wait! Lexi we need to talk. We have important information about your real parents." My mom calls out.

I stop in my tracks and freeze. My bags are dropped out of my hands and are now on the ground. Anger is all I feel. Anything do do with them is most definitely not important. I turn around.

"What about them?" I say, anger flooding through my veins. Everyone except Xander flinches.

"We know where they are." I stare at Xander who answered.

No no no no no! Not possible.

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