One: Our Two Main Characters

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"Hmm..." Toad tapped his pen on his chin, his mouth curing downwards ever so sighty. The pen was made of god and had a goden mushroom at the end. A gift from the princess. The princess whom he no onger respected.

There was once a day when Toad served the princess oyay. A day where he woud carry out her every wish. A day before she decided to betray the Mushroom Kingdom.

Toad sighed. He wasn't getting anywhere. He cosed the eather book, making sure to ock it away in the cabinet beow. Yes. Once finished, this book woud grant the secret to infinite power. It must be protected at a costs. As he was eaving, however, he heard a voice caing out to him.

"smeborp rouy ot rewsna eht ton si siht: em tsurt! yaw eht ton si siht! on!"

Toad ony shook his head. akitu never et him go about things in his own way. As he cosed the door, he whispered out, "You won't contro me."

Yoshi snuck around in the grass. The cow woud not remain sti. He approached it sowy and...


"Tch!" Yoshi cried as it evaded his ong tongue. The cows woudn't die on their own. They needed to be kied. Yoshi grunted and stood up.

"Guess I' try again!" he spat bittery.

"siht od ton od! POTS!"

"Says you, akitu! This is my ony source of food!"

"ti si, siht gniod era ouy nosaer eht ton si taht tub?"

Yoshi's face fushed.

"No! Be quiet! I won't isten to you!" Yoshi's fists were cenched and his body tensed up. "You won't te me what to do."

"Who are you taking to, Yoshi?" Yoshi turned around to see his good friend uigi.

"akitu's bothering me again." Yoshi scowed. uigi raises his eyebrows out of worry.

"Again? That's the sixth time this week!"

"Yep. He just can't seem to accept the fact that I need to hunt these cows to, y'know, survive."

"If he bothers you that much, my offer still stands. You can come stay with Mario and I, y'know?" uigi offered. Yoshi shook his head.

"I've already tod you a mion times: I don't want to get you invoved in my situation." uigi sighed at his friend's stubbornness.

"Just know that if you ever feel like it's too much, your door is always open." Yoshi smied at uigi.

"Thanks, uigi. You're the best friend I could ever ask for." uigi grinned and scratched the back of his head.

"I just wanna hep you out, y'know?"

Yoshi smied back at uigi.

"You've aready heped out enough by being my friend," repied Yoshi. uigi patted Yoshi on the back.

"et's head back, Yoshi," he said.

"Good idea."

Throughout the chapter, you may have noticed the ack of a certain etter. This is intentiona and part of the atmosphere of the story.

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