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It's been 2 years since both Damian and Marinette got their soul rings and all I can say is, a lot happened.
Damian, from the moment he got his, was harassed by girls who wanted to compare their rings to his, paparazzi trying to get a new scoop, and anger soulmates that wanted their partners back. Of course,Damian hated all of it and tried to kill them all. But Bruce wouldn't allow it.
Damian often stared at the tattooed ring, admiring how vibrant the pink color got. Sometimes it was so bright it looked almost red, other times it's color was dull and looked as if it would lose all its light in seconds. That scared him. He never got scared, but seeing how much happiness was in it than It looking like It was going to go out of go made him sick. He wanted to murder, in the most unthinkable ways,anyone who was harming his soulmate. Only time would tell...

Marinette wasn't the only one having a bad time with the ring. Alya would send snarky texts to her saying, "they would never actually love someone as mean as you," or "did you know that black means that they are cruel and angry all the time? Ha! Have fun with that."

It hurt her to hear or see this from someone she called her best friend. Lila wasn't any better saying that marinettes was a demon who would kill them all. everyone began to hate Marinette even more, everyone but the people that still believed in Mari.
Marinette, too, stared at the ring. It was always the same color, an angry blackish green color but sometimes it was more green. The most beautiful forest green color that made her cheeks warm.

The funny thing was that when Damian was awake, Mari was asleep. When Marinette was awake, Damian was also awake. On patrol, Damian's ring was very bright, it was distracting to everyone and sometimes it blinded the people that Damian, as Robin, was fighting. Maybe having a soulmate isn't so bad. He thought as it again blinded one of the Jokerz. Marinette never was able to use hers to blind people, it was always so dark.

One morning a email was sent to Ms. Bustier from Wayne enterprise asking if her class would like to come to Gotham for a week, at this Lila sprung into action, "I bet Damian Wayne,my soulmate, asked dear old Bruce to come up with the idea to invite us! Wow he is such an amazing person." Lila gave a sigh and Alya thought back to when her soulmate, nino, made her fell that way. Chloe gagged Which made marinette giggle.
"Is there something wrong? Maritrash." Alya snapped at her.
"No, just laughing at lies." Marinette responded with a hard look. Alya gasped and Lila turned on the waterfall effect, "Why are you so mean to me?!?"
"My god marinette! Your such a bully, just because Lila has a soulmate that won't kill her doesn't mean you have to be jealous!" Alya yelled.
"Girls stop this now! If you don't then none of you will go!" Ms. Bustier yelled and everyone went silent, "Thank you, now we will be leaving this Friday, that gives you the whole week to pack, then we will be picked up by a shuttle on Saturday that Mr. Wayne has payed for that will bring us to the Hotel, your room buddy will be told to you when we get there. Mr.Wayne has arranged a Tour the next day of Wayne Enterprise and we will have one of his sons for a translator.

"On Wednesday,we are going to explore the city but only in the parts that Mr. Wayne has dubbed safe. Thursday we are invited to a gala at the Wayne Manor were we will meet the rest of the Wayne family, I want all of you to be respectful when we go there. Friday is a free day and Saturday and Sunday we will be getting ready to leave. Any questions?"
"I have one!" Chloe yelled out, "we are going to be dressed nice for the gala right?"
"Oh Chloe," the whole room sighed.

Well here they were,on a plane, to Gotham. Marinette felt her ring getting tighter and was glow brightly.Odd, why would it do that? She wondered as they walked to the shuttle. Chloe grabbed Marinettes hand, eyes wide, "Mari? Do you know why your soul ring is doing this?"
Mari shook her head. Chloe rolled her eyes, "it means your soulmate is here, in Gotham!"

Damian dropped the coffee mug, his ring was glow more than usual and was getting tighter. It hurt. But it was better then training with his mother, anything was.
"Grayson!" He yelled, his oldest brother walked down the stairs caring his 2 year old daughter, Mari.
"What is it lil'D?" He had worry in his voice. -TT-typical.
"My ring. One second it was fine than 'pop' it started to tighten and glow even more."
Dicks face lit up, "Damian, your soulmate is in Gotham! You're going to meat them!"

Am I even ready for a soulmate? They both thought.

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