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(I want to thank Gowolfstar07 for the new cover. I love it very much❤️)

Marinette was sitting in her hotel room she was sharing with Chloe, thank god. Chloe, 2 mouths before the email was sent to their teacher, already knew that the class was going to Gotham. How she got that information, Mari though it was better to not ask.
Chloe asked her if she could make her a dress for the gala, of course Marinette said yes but news got around and all Maris other girlfriends asked for dresses too. She finished them all by the time the email came and had time to squeeze one in for herself.

"Mari, sweetie, you can't go to Wayne enterprise looking like...well, that." Chloe started, she wore her signature white jeans and a yellow sleeveless top that Mari made for her birthday last year.
"What's wrong with what I'm wearing? You got it for me."
"Marinette, i am putting you in different clothes now or so help me I'll use my venom on you!"

They all got off the bus at Wayne enterprise an hour after Chloe totally changed Marinettes whole look, from hair to her shoes.
The group walked into the building, Chloe hooked her arm with Maris.
As soon as she stepped into the Lobby the ring, which was already extremely tight, tightened even more making Marinette Yelp in pain.

Damian was going to give a tour to a class from France today at Wayne enterprise, and believe me when I say this...he was not happy. What he really wanted to do was go out as Robin and use his soul ring to find his other haft.
He was dressed nicely but he always dressed business. He was intimidating to people and he liked it.
He was about to press the button for the elevator when his soul ring, that already felt like it was trying to make his finger fall off, squeezed even tighter. Their here! He quickly pushed the button but it was going way to slow, he ran to the stairs and used his Robin skills to jump down the 4 floors. Why the hell am I getting so worked up for this? Is this soulmate thing really changing me?
He fixed his poster, than walked out into the lobby as if nothing happened. The class were all huddled together in the center of the room, mouths wide open and looking at everything.
"Damian?" He turned to find Dick, he was also wearing a suit.odd.
"I didn't know you were here, I thought you were still in Jump city." Dick asked raising an eyebrow.
"Father wanted me to come and 'mingle' with these school children, have a problem with that Grayson?"Damian scoffed, he didn't have time for this.
"Bruce wants you back home, something about the League or something."
Damian froze. Finding his other haft was important but this, this was something that needed to be taken care of.

"Hi I'm Richard Grayson, but you can also call me dick, I'm going to be you tour guide today."

Today was the gala and everyone was going nuts. The French class was running all over Gotham to find that last thing they need for their outfits, but it was mostly Lila's group.
Marinette had made her dress inspired after her mother's 'Chinese New Year' dress, except Maris was her signature pink color instead of red. She even added cherry blossom to it.

Alright, they are going to be here. I know it. Damian though to himself as he watched the gala being built in the main ball room at Wayne Manor. Damian tried to fix his tie, he hated ties.
" allow me, baby bird."
Dick came up in front of the struggling boy and began to fix the tie.
"You would have really liked the French class yesterday, their president was extremely nice and could speak English too! I was so happy because I didn't know how to say this one sentence but then, sure enough, she explained everything!" Dick sounded like a proud parent when he spoke.
"Grayson, are you finished?" Damian had the same boring tone as he normally did.
Dick nodded and smiled at his little brother, "I'm proud of you dami, you have grown so much." Dick pulled him into a hug, Damian excepted it only because he was his favorite brother.

"NETTIE! It you uncle Jagged! I'm going to play at this thing in Gotham and my violinist got sick. You can play right?"
"Um, y-yeah I can play."
" Rock 'n' roll! I'll send Penny to get you in an hour, see you soon!"
Marinette hadn't played in years, she had missed the sound it made when she played. "Like angels singing," her father would say to her.
Marinette walked down to the car that was parked in front, Penny pulled her into a bone crushing hug, "oh mari I've missed you so much! You told your teacher you left right?"
Marinette nodded.
"Ok then, let's get this show on the road!"

Damian was sitting on a chair while the gala progressed. Everyone was there, but he couldn't feel anything pulling him to someone.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am honored that you could come here tonight and thankful that you could have some downtime from all that is been going on. I hope you have a good time tonight and it's my gracious honor to introduce jagged stone, on piano,and his niece Marinette playing the violin." Bruce caught everybody's attention in seconds. Jagged was sitting at his piano, next to him was a young woman holding a violin. Beautiful.
As they played the two soul rings tightened, and tightened. Damian looked down at his. It's turning gold! He looked back at the girl, hers was bright and slowly turning gold as well. She spotted him. A loving look was in her bluebell eyes, something that Damian longed for.
The song that she was playing fit them perfectly, and as soon as it was over Damian got out of his chair and walked, while people cleared a path for him, to the girl.
She jumped off the stage and walked to him till they met in the middle.
When you meet your soulmate,
"Hi I'm Marinette, Marinette Dupain-Chang, and I'm your soulmate."
You know instantly,
"Hello I'm Damian Wayne and I am your other haft."
Even if you don't know it,
Their rings were finally completed, Golden light glowed from them.
You have been bonded,
They started at each other. Something familiar was in their eyes.
Since the beginning,
Something that they knew by heart.
Of time.

(This is not the end of the book! There will be more.)

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