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My mother came back on the ground and charged towards me, gripping me by my ear, pinching it. A bit of tears rolled down my cheeks, as I grabbed her wrist.
"You are in so much trouble."
She says tugging on my ear.
"I can't believe someone as stupid as you has to inherit my breathing style!"
She shouts, scolding me.
"M-Ma'am! Please don't do th—"
"And who are you supposed to me? Chō hasn't told me anything about a boy."
"M-My name is G-Giyu! Giyu Tomioka!"
He bows, scared not to get hurt. My mother scoffs. She glared at Giyu and let's go of my ear and looks at me.
"You won't be leaving the house for the next two months. You'll be under my supervision and you'll be having a even more strict training routine."
"W-What! B-But—"
I got cut off by her slapping me. I needed to learn my place and face the consequences from my stupidness. I rubbed my cheek. It stung, my mother was really strong even if she was hurt badly.
"Ma'am... B-But..."
"Did I stutter?"
Giyu looked at me, his eyes tearing. Both of us couldn't meet until after the Final Selection. I was so devastated, and so he was. What if he died? What if he doesn't make it? No. Giyu is strong, he'll make it. I looked at my mom.
"C-Can we at least send each other letters?"
"Only if I read your letters before you send them."
I smile as I steal a glance at Giyu. He seemed sad, yet relieved. At least we could communicate in other ways. After we said our goodbyes, we were ready to leave until  Giyu hugged me.
"If I die. Promise you won't forget me."
"I promise."
And so, I sworn on myself that I'd never forget him and our friendship. We made a pinky promise and parted ways. I thought that it wouldn't be the last time I'd see Giyu. But life has it's ways to ruin everything.
Time skip.
After a week, we had been sending each other letters, everyday and every night. I assigned one of my mom's crow that was specially trained to send messages. Everything was going well, my mother hadn't been angry with me since that night. We'd tell each other how our days went and how our training was going. The week before The Final Selection, Giyu had stopped sending me letters due to him training more and more. I was getting worried and anxious but i trusted him. Giyu and Sabito knew what they were doing, they're both smart. I resumed my training with my mom, getting more and more ready.
Two weeks had passed by and I wasn't getting any contact from Giyu. I fell into desperation until my mother brought me a letter. Her face seemed worried, so I opened the letter as fast as I could and read it. I paused for a second and spaced out. I couldn't believe what I was reading. Giyu wasn't dead, but Sabito is. He died? But he's a good swordsman? I don't get it? I read furthermore and got more information. Giyu was saved by Sabito at the cost of his life. I covered my mouth with my hand, before any sobs could escape. Tears streamed down my cheeks. The last sentence of the letter was heartbreaking for me.
"It's better off if you don't come around here anymore. We're both sorry"
I fell into a miserable state and I could barely train. My mother was getting worried, but thought if she pushed me she could get me out of my depression. She had an idea. One night she talked to my father, saying something about some kid. I couldn't risk to get attached to someone else. Maybe it was just another child like me? I don't understand.
The next morning I woke up hearing some different voices. They seemed to be laughing and praising someone. I got up and changed into my clothes and haori. I leaned in and peeked through the door and saw the Rengoku family. I hid behind the door, my face turning bright red.
"Chō darling!~ You know I can hear you?~"
My mother called. I slowly walked in and bowed respectfully at Kyojuro and his father. I looked back at them and Rengoku was beaming with happiness. So he didn't go to this years Final Selection...
"I don't think we properly met. I'm Shinjuro Rengoku. Kyojuro's father."
The man speaks as he pets my head. He looks over at Kyojuro and smiles slightly.
      "You two should go play outside."
My mother speaks as she points to the door. I look at her, trying to protest but my face turns red as a tomato as soon as Rengoku takes my hand and takes me outside in my garden.
He beams as we head outside. I pull my hand back as we get outside and we sit in awkward silence as time goes by.
    "Chō? When are you going to Final Selection?"
I stood silent. I didn't want to get closer to any other boy just like I did with Sabito and Giyu. But I couldn't resist his innocence and positivity.
    "Mh...well...I-In about two years..."
    "Oh. Is that so? I'm going next year!"
I smiled slightly as I look at him and observe his features.
    "You must be training hard..."
    "Hm? Oh yeah, I am! I hope that one day I'll become the Flame Hashira and make my father proud!"
He smiles. That sent shivers down my spine. His smile, his smile...his warm smile. It's all I've been looking for since I was a child. A genuine warm smile that doesn't consist of lies. My face turned red and I was getting warmer. Rengoku noticed and came closer, putting his palm on my forehead. I started shivering and twitching, my face getting more and more red.
     "Are you ok? You might have a fever!"
     "A-Ahaha...U-Uhm...N-N-No! I'm f-fine!"
     "Are you sure?..."
Rengoku says until he stops, realizing what he's been doing. He steps back, his face going red as well. He coughs as he tries to avoid eye contact. Did I scare him? Did I do something wrong? He looks back at me.
    "Come on. Let's play!"
He smiles again. His smile was so damn contagious I couldn't take it. Maybe he was different. Maybe he's the one I should actually try to get closer to. I don't know, it's so confusing. I can't stand to lose another person. He extends his arm, await me to grab it. I spaced out for a bit, starring at his palm. It was so hurt and full of scratches. So instead of giving him my hand, I held his as I reached out for my healing and sterilizing gels and creams. He jumps slightly from my sudden movements. I spread some cold gel on his hand, making sure I massage well. I look up at him, a big wave of nostalgia hitting me as I see his red face. I pull back a bit.
     "I-I'm sorry! I do these things in instinct! I didn't mean to do this without your permission!"
I tell him trying to cover my face from embarrassment. He laughs as he pets my head. I look back up at him, seeing him chuckle like this made me even more embarrassed.
     "It's fine! Besides I really needed to get treated on my wounds! Thank you!"
He smiles. I turn red again and look at the ground. This time I took his hand and we went out to play. We had a lot of fun, talking and training from time to time. He was an amazing person, skilled, smart and so happy. He smiled no matter what. I don't get him sometimes. He can be so confusing. Even if something hits him he smiles with glee. The truth is, I'm starting to stick to him more. I've noticed how he smiles at his parents or my family. It's sincere and warm. But the way he smiles at me is so much more different. It's a smile full of happiness, warmth and love. The truth is, no one ever smiled at me like that besides Giyu. I've always wondered what it meant. It was so strange and overwhelming. My chest would go all fuzzy and my head would start to beat faster and faster. It's naive and young love. We're children. But as months went by, he kept showing up with his family, more and more. One time he came with his mother, another only with his father and sometimes he'd show up all alone. He always came to my house with a fond smile and he'd wave like crazy. I never felt this way, I felt so loved and appreciated. Ever since me and Giyu stopped talking I did feel guilty for not trying to get to him, but he's said it himself not to get in contact for his well being. He must be a Demon Slayer now. I needed to enjoy these months with Rengoku until he went to Final Selection. Then it'd be over, even if he dies or becomes a Demon Slayer.

"One breath away." OC x Kyojuro RengokuWhere stories live. Discover now