The future

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Final Selection finally came around for me. I looked up at the sky, holding onto my dirty haori and looked back in front of me, where two girls were standing, explaining everything to us. We've lost so many people on the way, kids, teens...There was only me and two other teens my age. I went forward, picked an ore and sighed heavily. A crow came out of nowhere and jumped on my shoulder. I yelped from the sudden movement of the crow and tried to balance myself. It was energetic, but wise. This crow might be pretty good actually, compared to the other crows around here. We were sent home, and in no time I hurried home, to my family. It had gotten dark and I was worried about myself and my family, but I knew my mom could protect them, and I could protect myself as well. I reached my house but something seemed off. I sniffed the air briefly. My eyes widened in shock as I hurried inside. I open the door, slamming it, only to be greeted by my sister trying to devour my mother. I gasp in shock, making my sister turn to me. I hesitated for a second, causing my sister to jump on me and scratch my face. I scream in pain as I hit her with my leg. She flies into the wall and hisses. My mother tried to get to me but she was hurt as well, tears were running down my cheeks from the pain, but I endured it. My mom shifted slightly and found her nichirin sword. She threw it towards me and looked at me.
"Do it Chō! Don't hesitate!"
As soon as I spoke my sister jumped back on me, and I stopped her by a satisfying slash sound.
"B-Breath of H-Harmony...Th-Third form... Peaceful death."
I speak out shaking, more tears flooding my eyes as I fall to my knees, sitting next to my sister. My blood and tears dripped on her crumbling face as I plead her to stay alive.
"T-Tsumi....Tsumi please...Nee-San! Please!"
The last moments of her life were being turned into a sinful creature by a disgusting creature that roams around only to kill people. One of the Twelve Kizuki must've been here. I clutch my haori and more tears fall down my face. My eyes shot open as I saw my Tsumi she'd tears a s well.
She manages to say to me as she fades away. I cry more as I wash my open wound with my tears. My mother came up to me and hugged me.
   "It's fine. It's fine, Chō. You did what you had to. You did good...."
She said, her voice breaking. I never saw my mother cry, or weep. This time she was sobbing and trying to hold herself back. Her own child had turned into a demon and had to be killed by her other child. It hurt, for me and for my mother. I didn't know how our father would react, but I knew from the start it wouldn't be nice. After that my mom healed my wounds with my creams and gels, putting bandages on half my face. People on the street would ask me what was wrong, but I just couldn't bring it up, so I'd let my mom explain. My father had found out and didn't take it lightly.
     "You?! YOU killed HER?! She had so much more to live! YOU brat! I can't believe you! I've told your mother countless of times that she should be the one to inherit her breathing style but no matter how much I tried she said you'd be more special! Well, you're not and you KILLED your own sister!"
It's not like I didn't know that I deserved my cut across my face. Ever since that day I've wanted to be in her shoes so she could leave peacefully. I never knew you could turn demons back into humans only by slaying them. I never believed. I was stubborn and I stopped feeling emotions. My world was bland, grey and boring. The same missions, the same ending. Though demons weren't so easy though. I had to use my gels countless of times and heal myself through techniques. I'm just the same old girl, with the same dream and ambition. I promise I'll become better and wash myself of the sin I've committed by becoming a Hashira for my mother and sister.
Five years later
I was running through the forest, defeating demons over demons. I was closer and closer to the Higher Moon Three, known as Akaza. I've been noticed by one of the Hashiras for my healing gels and creams, I felt myself getting followed by a presence that was intimidating, everytime I went on mission, that same presence would follow me around for hours until I had finished. I never got to catch glances at the person since they were too fast, but I did realize it'd be one of the Hashiras. I had reached Akaza, he turned to me and had a sinister smile plastered on his face. He chuckled as he turned to face me.
"What a pity. You'll have to die as well."
He smiled as he pointed to some lower ranked demon slayers. My eyebrows furrowed as I filled with rage. Killing others and trying to distract me only to bring me down? Not working today.
I exhaled as I concentrated more and more on my breathing, unleashing many breathing techniques. I shot my eyes open as I barely touched him. He regenerated back as I turned to face him. He chuckled.
"How are you holding up?"
I look at him confused as I see blood drip from my mouth, I looked down and I had a cut across my stomach. I yelp as I reach for my pouch and open up my uniform, I hiss and slap some gel on as I try to run as much as possible to hold Akaza in place. I throw the gel back inside and button my uniform back. I concentrate once again and release more attacks on Akaza, this time hitting him more. I had almost reached his neck, I was so frustrated that I had lost my concentration for a bit.
"So you're adapting my attacks huh? Smelling me and predicting everything I do? That'll change soon!"
He says as he blocks my attack with his arms. I grit my teeth as I fill with rage. This guy is really getting annoying for me to handle. I unleash one more attack until my eyes shot wide open as I see his arm piercing my stomach, not deep enough to be fatal, but it hurt like hell. I scream in pain, hoping someone could hear me. I cut his hand off with a quick slash. The sun was beginning to rise and I panicked. Akaza laughed and left, I shot him a glare as I grit my teeth. My pouch had flew out in front of me. It was too far for me to reach, so I shifted my way there, in pain. I grunted from the pain as tears streamed down my face. A petite and short figure drifted from above. She kneeled down in front of me, smiling.
"Moshi-Moshi! You seem to be in a bit of trouble..."
I stood silent still trying to shift myself to my pouch. She noticed and went right to it. Picking it up.
"Ngh! N-No! Don't tou-touch it!"
"Don't worry. I know what you have in this."
She says getting out my healing gels and creams. She looked at me and unbuttoned some of my uniform buttons. She put on some gel and her eyes shot wide open.
"Your's closing up...Only because of this gel? Hm."
She looks at me and back at the gel.
"Put...the cream on...It's for sterilizing the wound..."
I say, forcing my words out. She looks at me and puts on the cream and then bandages my stomach. She buttons back my uniform and helps me up.
"Shinobu Kocho at your service. May I ask you something quickly?"
"C-Chō. Chō Hikari."
"So... Chō. I'd like to talk to you about your gels, and if you're willing to join me with the Pillars at the Butterfly estate? We're in need of someone like you.
She smiles caring me on her back, I was so busted up I didn't realize she was the Insect Hashira.
"I-It'd be an honor..."
I say before I pass out. I felt like I was going to die, I felt like it was the end. If it wasn't for miss Kocho I would've seen the light sooner than I had to.
Time skip
I woke up, my body feeling numb. I was in a loose robe and tied up in bandages. I grunt as I try to get up but fall back down. I looked around and saw a girl with blue eyes looking at me.
"I see you're awake?"
She says before leaving. After a few minutes the same girl that had saved me came inside. She smiled and sat besides my bed tilting her head.
"How are you feeling? Do you think you can get up?"
"Pretty stiff... Why?"
"No reason. But I'd like you to meet the Hashiras one day. It's important for you to do so, you have really amazing skills and your gels would be pretty useful. Talking about your healing items. How do you make them?"
She asks as she pulls out my pouch and rests it on her lap.
"It's a family secret...But we grow out our own herbs and medicinal plants. I get seeds from my family everytime I come back to report my status. And I use one more thing..."
"About that. We took some tests on your blood. It's not like everyone's else's...Am I right?"
I nod my head and get up, leaning my back on the pillows.
"My family's bloodline has always been special. It has different traits that develop through time. It got to my generation that my blood has the trait of sterilizing and getting rid of bacteria. That's what I use in my cream."
I grunt a little, telling her everything I know. At least this is what I can do after she saved me. She nods her head and smiles reassuringly.
"Great. Considering your technique and way of killing demons, you truly are different than others. I'd like you to join the nursing team at my estate. While you get rest and try to recover you can heal up wounded Slayers. What do you say?
She smiles sweetly holding one of my hands. I scratch the back of my head, flinching a bit.
"Alright. After I recover are you gonna throw me out?"
I ask bluntly.
"Of course not. You're vital for the Demon Slayers and Hashiras. You'll be useful. After you recover we, all the Hashiras, will train you. If you wish to not go through the Pillar training then you can ask if you can be anyone's Tsugoku."
She says tilting her head.
"If you feel like you can walk, then get dressed up while I inform the Hashiras. Your clothes are over there."
She points to one of the tables. I nod, and she soon leaves. I didn't expect to meet with the Hashiras this way and right now. I still was bluffed and confused. Did I really want to meet the Hashiras? Did I really want to be a nurse and train intensely until I become one? I know I have to do these things to get a higher rank and satisfy my mom. I was determined, yet scared, what if I make a bad first impression? I shouldn't worry about these things. If miss Kocho said I was useful then I might actually be liked by them.
I sighed and got out of bed, flinching slightly, my back hurting. I had bandages on my stomach and hands. I got my uniform and haori and went to change. I came out, cracking my neck and hands, sighing heavily. Was I really doing this? I can't believe how far I am. I shouldn't be a dumbass and give up now.

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