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We walked into the Rengoku estate's garden, slowly hearing faint shouting. I furrowed my eyebrows as I listened closer. I looked up and saw the door rapidly open. It was a smaller version of Kyojuro. It must be his brother. I wonder where the rest are.
He hurried over to Kyojuro, jumping into his arms. Kyojuro laughed loudly, happily smiling. The sight made me warm up, yet make me ponder what it would've been like if my sister would still be alive. I kept focused, and tried making a good impression. I looked down at the little brother. He instantly started looking scared and worried. I smiled warmly.
"Hello! I'm your brother's friend. I'm Chō. Chō Hikari."
Rengoku looks at me, squinting his eyes, looking slightly jealous. I smile and give out my hand. He shakes it, nervously. I could feel his emotions and smell them from afar. I still played it cool. Soon the door slammed open ever more. We both looked up and saw Kyojuro's father. Shinjuro stomped over to the three of us, and Senjuro quickly hid behind me, clutching my haori. I look up, nervously smiling.
"Who the fuck is this whore you brought Ky—"
As soon as he spoke, Kyojuro ran in front of me. I could feel his irritation.
"Please stop calling women whores. Chō Hikari over here is one of the strongest and smartest women I know."
He forcefully smiled. I got up, still hiding Senjuro behind me. I peeked over Kyojuro's back and smiled.
"Mister Rengoku! It's a pleasure to see you again!"
I step next to Kyojuro, and he looks over to me worried. He shakes his head slightly. Shinjuro sighs irritated.
"Yeah. You too."
He scoffs, as he drops his bottle of saki. I look down at the shattered glass and back at the father, irritated.
"O-Oh dear, I'll clean t-that..."
The little brother says weakly. I stop him in his tracks and smile.
"No. It's fine. I'll help you."
I tilt my head and pet his head. I grab the broom from his hands and sweep the glass out of the way. I can feel Shinjuro staring at me intensely. I cleaned up, and glanced over at both of the men. Senjuro bows and thanks me for about 10 times.
"Aha...I-It's fine. I'm a guest here after all..."
"Kyojuro, is she the girl you've been talkin' about? Is she your wife or something."
We both jump up and choke up.
"No! We're just good friends like when we were children!"
We both jump up. Shinjuro scoffs. I glare at him. He's trying to get a reaction from us. Shit. Maybe he knows I like him probably. Judging from Kyojuro's reaction he must've been startled. I quickly get interrupted as I tightly grip the man's hand. He was trying to punch me?! I can't just hurt an old man...
"Huh. So you were paying attention to your surroundings. Just like your damn mother."
He glares at me and pulls his hand away from my grip.
"Father. Please, let her stay the night. I'd like to discuss some important matters over dinner if that's fine with you."
Kyojuro sighs. Shinjuro shrugs and turns away.
     "You two can do whatever as long as you aren't loud."
He spoke, irritated. He went inside the house, slamming the door. Kyojuro exhaled heavily.
      "I'm sorry about him. Ever since mom's death he's been shaken up."
He scratches the back of his head. My eyes widen. His mother died? But wasn't it just a little cold?
     "Oh. I'm sorry. This might be because of me. I guess I'm the only woman to come into the house for a long while?"
I ask, embarrassed. Kyojuro chuckles and pets my head.
     "I hope not. You clearly don't have to be sorry. Come on, let's go inside."
He looks over at Senjuro and moves his head a little, signaling the little boy to come along. He hurried over to his brother and the three of us enter the estate.
     "Alright, follow me."
He spoke as he leaded me to the room I was staying in. I opened the door and looked around. It was really pretty and simple, just like the room I stood in at the Butterfly Estate...
    "Oh. Alright. Thank you!"
I smile softly as I unpack my clothes and other necessities. Kyojuro leans on the door frame and smiles fondly as he watched my every move. I get up from unpacking my mess of clothes and go to him.
   "Come on, Senjuro is making dinner."
He tilts his head and leaves down the hand. He points out some of the rooms so I don't accidentally barge in on his brother or father. We get to the dinning room and sit down. After eating a little bit of food, Kyojuro decides to start a conversation.
    "Father, I hope you're not upset with me bringing Chō here!"
Shinjuro sighs irritated.
     "I've told you before. Just don't be loud or make trouble."
He hits back a glass of saki.
     "In that case. I want Chō to be my Tsugoku! I want to train her personally everyday, besides her regular training with the Hashira's that will start next week!"
He speaks confidently. I choke up on my food, looking at Kyojuro shocked. His father seemed to have the same reaction, but didn't really show it.
     "Are you sure Rengoku? You have to train me in Hashira style AND Tsugoku style?! Aren't you going to be too tired?"
I protest.
     "Don't worry about me! Didn't you want to be a Hashira?"
He adds. Kyojuro's got a point. I nod my head shyly.
     "Does that mean I have to stay here now?"
     "Well yeah. Isn't it obvious."
Shinjuro chuckles. I immediately start sweating nervously. This is going to be so embarrassing...We continue to eat and finish. Me and Senjuro clean up and wash the dishes. I've tried my best to help him since I was a guest at their estate.
     "This girl you've brought in could've been a better wife than Demon Slayer. Thc..."
Shinjuro scoffs. I can hear him from the kitchen. I knew this wasn't appropriate of me, but I still needed more information.
     "Hahah! Yeah. But still, she's very strong and smart!"
Kyojuro adds in. I sigh, and blush slightly.
     "Chō?...Do you have a fever?"
The small boy asks me shyly. I quickly jump up and cover one of my cheeks with my free arm.
     "Uhm! No!"
I say nervously. Senjuro chuckles softly.
     "Well, I've been meaning to ask you.."
I nod my head and gulp.
     "Are you and Nee-chan together?"
He asks, tilting his head. I go red and shake my head.
     "N-No! We're just friends!..."
I smile and wave my arms around as well. Senjuro was trying to hold in his chuckles.
     "Well. Do you wish to? If you don't mind me asking..."
He says shyly. I look away and nod my head. Senjuro's eyes started glowing and he smiled warmly. It was the first time I got him to smile this genuinely. Not long after, I feel Kyojuro behind me. I look behind my shoulder and blush. His hair was down and in all it's glory. Holy moly.
     "Woah. Senjuro! I haven't seen you smile so warm in months!"
The older brother speaks, surprised. He then looks at me and glows.
     "What went down?!"
He asks curious. I blushed even harder, hoping he didn't listen in on us. I chuckle nervously.
     "She told me a good joke, Nee-San! She's really funny...!"
The small boy chuckles softly. I look over at him, and he gives me a look of approval. I smile.
     "Alright. I'll be going off to shower. I'm getting tired."
I smile and let my hair down as well. I walk down the hall to my room, and grab my towels and robe. I stop for a second, looking in the mirror. I smiled. I was really here. With Rengoku, the man I've loved since my childhood, the Flame Hashira. I'm so much closer to achieving my goal now. I soon stopped, realizing what I was thinking.
     "Hold on. I promised Shinobu I would hang around the Butterfly Estate to heal others. Shit... What am I supposed to do..."
I bite my nails anxiously and take a shower quickly. I change and hurry down the hall to my room. I brush my hair and hurry on my way to the living room. I look around and spot Kyojuro.
    "Rengoku! We need to talk-"
    "Is something wrong?"
He asks worried. I hop over to him and gulp.
    "I promised Shinobu to help her heal Demon Slayers from battle. I don't think I can stay here too long."
     "Oh. That's totally fine! You can do Hashira Trainning and Tsugoku training all day and on your breaks you can go to the Butterfly Estate. If it is an emergency you can freely go there."
He smiles warmly. I exhale relieved.
      "Did you really think I was going to get all mad and worried about that?"
He puts his hand on my shoulder. I chuckle.
      "I tend to over-think..."
      "You should stop, we're best friends. I would never be upset because of your choices. If it makes you happy..."
He smiles. I blush and rub the back of my neck.
Once again, he comes closer. I gulp, and get even more red. He stops himself, moving hesitantly. My eyes shot wide open and I look away embarrassed.
    "In t-that case...We should head to sleep."
He spoke softly.
    "You're right..."
Time skip -1 week later.
I stepped inside the Butterfly Mansion, two days after starting the Hashira training. I fell next to a bed, exhausted. I sighed and reached out for my pouch. I looked around and saw a wounded Slayer. I went up to him with weak steps and sat down next to them. I unraveled the covers and saw his bandaged up body. I soon started unwrapping them and taking care of his wounds. After I finished I changed his bandages. I put my pouch back onto a shelf. I make my way out and hurry back to the training grounds. Next off was Tomioka but I was still stuck at Sanemi. He's really tough, but not as bad. Maybe he thinks he should take it easy because I'm a girl? Rude...
I turn around and see Giyu.
    "Oh, is something wrong?"
I ask.
    "No, it's just that Sanemi told me you can come to my estate to train..."
He scratches the back of his head.
     "Why? I haven't even finished today's training...?"
     "Well, he can't handle girls as well as others. He's just like his brother..."
He chuckles.
     "Sanemi has a brother?"
I ask. Giyu nods his head.
      "Tomorrow you can come to my Estate to train...I guess you can have the day for yourself..."
      "Really? Isn't it my first few days?"
I ask, surprised.
      "Don't mention it. Just go. I saw Kyojuro on his way to the Mansion."
      "Thank you, Giyu!"
I smile and run along to get to the Mansion. My feet were still weak but I could make it, by forcing them to run along. I stop, taking my breath. It was getting a bit late so I needed to go faster, considering the demons that have been hunting me down. I reach the Mansion and hurry inside. I look around and overhear Shinobu talking to someone.
    "Hm... I need to make something out of her blood that has a better effect...I can't just loose my chance..."
I peek over and she suddenly stops, I yelp and go my way. I run along the halls and bump into Rengoku.
    "Chō! Are you done with your training for the day?"
He asks cheerfully.
    "Giyu told me Sanemi let me have the day off."
I smile.
     "You look really tired...! Are you alright?"
He tilts his head.
     "Yeah...Yeah. I think I need more rest, but now that more and more Slayers are getting wounded...I really can't catch a breath."
I chuckle.
     "If you ever need help, I'm here! Right now you need rest, so go to bed."
      "I'm not a child, Rengoku. I can handle this just as much as you can!"
I smile. He chuckles and pets my back.
      "Still, if I were you I'd take a nap."
      "Hah. You're right."

Quick A/N: I apologize for this delay! I've been having difficulties at school and my mental state has been really down. I'm trying my best to get some chapters out, but I think I have art block AND writers block... I hope you still enjoy this, I'll be trying my best to update the next chapter. ❤️

"One breath away." OC x Kyojuro RengokuWhere stories live. Discover now