i. First of all...

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chapter one first of all

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chapter one first of all...

Sunday August 29th 1993 The Devereux House, Bristol

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Sunday August 29th 1993
The Devereux House, Bristol

Dumbledore has gone fucking mental, let me tell you.

Why on EARTH out of the SIX gryffindor girls has the most irresponsible one of the lot been picked to be GRYFFINDOR PREFECT? I mean WHY?

Okay sure, I'm fairly smart and I'm not bad by any means but WHY?! FIRST OF ALL I've had my fair share of detentions and missed homework's, and there was that one time in fourth year he-who-shall-not-be-named convinced me to skip fourth period charms with him ( what an absolute madman&woman! )and Dumbledore STILL picks ME!

And besides it's not like I've ever even shown the slightest of interest in even being prefect, I mean what do they even get to do?!

Let's create a list.


1. Show the first years to the gryffindor commons room on the first day. Ugh! I mean can't they get there themselves?
2. Deduct points or give them if I'm feeling nice — not actually that bad, if someone is pissing me off I can simply take 100 points away ( FUCK YEAH! )
....turns out it's only from your house....fuck
3. Set an example to younger students, please look at the aforementioned charms incident as to why this is a BAD idea, I'm CLEARLY VERY irresponsible.
4. Uhhh.... Remember the gryffindor password ( ugh, I can't even remember what I had for breakfast )

Okay so it's not that bad but I'm still going to be expected to be mature and responsible and I'm DEFINITELY NOT either of those things....Definitely not!

🍒🏁 🦋

Tuesday, August 31st, 1993
Devereux House, Bristol.

Okay looking back I realised that there was almost no context to me as a person during that first entry, which seeing this diary is going to be with me for the next three years isn't the best. I'd originally planned to update it on the first of September but since the whole Prefect situation happened that plan went to pot!

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