vi. The Princess Diaries

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six the princess diaries ( nope

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six the princess diaries
( nope... just evies diary )

Monday, October 4th, 1993The Library

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Monday, October 4th, 1993
The Library...shocking.....


Firstly, my lessons today went as followed

1.double history of magic.

2.double potions


4.double DADA


so.... DADA would usually be my safe lesson that was berable, good seats, good teacher know its bearable but Lupin finished marking our tests and gave them back.

which is utterly horrid because... I can't do this subject!!!!!

I was one of the first to get mine back and there was a slight grimace on his face when he placed it on my desk. now I knew id done badly, so I was expecting a P... not a fucking T. my stomach felt like an empty pit as I quickly stuffed the paper in my bag before anyone could see and either laugh or proclaim the grade for the whole class to hear and .

do you know what a T stands for?


now lupins not to blame im sure, he just complied with the mark scheme, its my fault for being so fucking stupid. arghhh!!

like I knew I wasn't gonna do well but im still disappointed and angry at myself, and I just wish I could get a P because then maybe I could scrape an A at my O.W.L.s which would be most nice....but if im at a T now I might only be a D by the time O.W.L.s roll around. Great!

so everyone else then got their tests back and I was looking around the class to see what they'd all got

Carla, Angelina and Olly all got A's

Alicia somehow scraped an E

Lee and George got P's and were laughing about and

and Fred..... GOT A FUCKING O.... O... OUTSTANDING. fred.

Oh, Evie ━  Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now