Chapter 1: The Start

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"Jackson, Jackon stop. You're suffocating me," I laugh whilst his firm grip pulls me even tighter against his chest. Closing my eyes I inhale the familiar smell of soap and fresh-cut grass, treasure the feeling of his sturdy arms wrapped around me, and place my head in the familiar dip of his neck.

Jackson was familiar; Jackson was safe.

"Promise me you won't change. Promise me," his voice was merely a whisper against the top of my head, kissing the spot again and again. As if kissing the words would somehow lock them into my brain, and make sure it was kept.

I wriggle away so I can see his face, place both hands against his cheek's, and kiss the bridge of his nose. This was my favourite version of him- affectionate and soppy. The pout on his lips is placed specifically for me, and I lean in again, this time to press my lips against them.

"Never,"  the word muffled by my lips still firmly pressed against his.

The walls, which only an hour ago were lined with photos of the two of us, were now bare, the evidence of our story packed at the bottom of a box. They'd be the first thing I'd pin up to make my new room feel like home.

"I just don't want you to go to Uni and become a different person. I only worry because I care."

'Because I care' was as Jackson as comments came, and if he was the star of his own movie, that would be the line he'd be famous for. If he was mad, it was only because he cared, if he was upset, it was only because he cared.

I sigh, brush a thumb against his cheek, then return to packing up the contents of my room. I don't want to have 'The University' conversation again.

"Have a little faith in me. I'll be the same old Eloise that you've known since you were 16, stop fretting. Instead, get excited. I'm off to Uni Jackson, how crazy is that?"

I don't want this to be some dramatic and upsetting moment where the excitement of moving out is turned into a scene of heartbreak and misery. We are fine, he is only going to be an hours drive away, and we have already agreed he'd come as many weekends as he can. Nothing about our relationship will change, that I am sure of.

Instead, my head is spinning with the excitement of new beginnings, of moving away from home, being out of reach of my over-protective parents.

I'd have roommates, and new friends and new environments to conquer. People to go on 3 am adventures with, and nights out that didn't have a curfew. It's going to be my taste of freedom and I can't wait.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry. Ellie, I'm so proud of you," I feel him walk up  behind me, wrap his arms around my shoulders and tug, trying to pull me back to bed.

"You could always be the one to drive me you know. Seeing as you're soooo obsessed with me," my fingers naturally reach for the collars of his shirt, grabbing a handful to keep myself balanced.

"I'm sorry but I can't deal with the hour drive back without you. I'll be upset leaving you, but to also deal with Mr and Mrs Ermado? No, it's not happening."

Jackson and my mother don't exactly see eye to eye, despite coming over consistently for the last three years and treating the household with nothing but respect. My younger sister adores him, most definitely more than she adores me, proven by his number being saved in her phone with a heart.

Yet in my mother's eyes, 16 was far too young to be bringing home a 'horny' boy that was twice my height, and clearly only wanted me for one thing. Telling her that he had already taken it and was still sticking around was not a response she had taken lightly and a significant contributor to her hostility. And whilst the rumour 'Mrs Ermado doesn't like Jackson for taking Eloise's virginity' was a rumour that earned him a lot of fist-bumps, he has assured me it wasn't worth it. I should have kept my big mouth shut.

"Well, if this is the last time you're going to see me before I go, you better say goodbye properly."

"Your mum is literally downstairs, if she catches us I'll have my balls chopped off."

"Well go close the door then."

"You know we're not allowed," I could see his eyes shif towards the door, trying to work out if we would get away with it or not.

"I can't get in trouble if I'm leaving tomorrow morning."

I wait to see if he would take the bait, but nope. Nothing.

"Okay fine, if you don't want to I guess I can wait till you come to visit me at Uni. It'll only be in about 2 weeks, and you can wait that long right?"

Before I even finish he starts shuffling towards the door, trying his best to be quiet. This is hard for Jackson as his large, masculine frame means that he is the most heavy-footed individual I have ever met. He could be walking on a cushion of clouds, and each step would still make a thumping noise.

To our luck, the door made an even louder creak than it usually did, and I could hear him whisper shit under his breath.

Stop being such a pussy Jackson, and get your ass over here. He must have been telepathic because that's exactly what he did. 

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