Chapter 38

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"Last assignment we focused on your favourite colour, but this assignment we're going to focus on no colour. The theme is black and white, and I want you to research a photographer that shoots predominantly in this style, writing a short five-hundred-word piece with your final image."

The first assignment had been exciting and exhilarating, wanting to impress Professor Hill to the best of my ability. Now, sitting listening to her explain the next one, my mind was five-hundred miles away thinking about the messed-up situation with Jackson. Should I confront him about his friendship with Jenny? Do I try to talk to Jenny first? Or am I being paranoid, the guilt of cheating being projected onto their friendship when I really have nothing to worry about?

"We did black and white photo's last week in the photography club. I can send you some images people took if you want inspiration?" Rosie leans over and whispers in my ear, once again having picked the seat directly next to me. I can't tell if she's trying to be nice or patronising, but either way, I know I'm going to decline the offer.
I don't need her help.

"Thanks for the offer but don't worry about it."

"Oh, have you got some ideas up your sleeve already?"

"I've got a few, just need to go to the library and research," I lie, gathering up my notepad and textbook as quickly as I can, ready to race out of the classroom without her.

However, she matches my speed, her small stubby legs moving surprisingly quickly for her size, keeping up with my long strides.

"That's exactly where I'm heading. I'll walk with you!" I realise I've fucked up, and can't head in another direction without it being obvious I lied. This is exactly what I didn't want today.

"So how are you finding the course?" does she always sound so cheery and high pitched?

"Yeah it's okay," I respond, consciously not asking her to keep the conversation to a minimum. She doesn't get the hint and instead starts explaining what she thinks.

"I just don't feel like we've been fully challenged yet. I know they say that first-year students are started easy so they can find a balance between settling in and working, but I still want to push myself. Black and white photography is..." she rambles on whilst I tune out, my eyes darting around the library trying to spot someone I know so I can politely excuse myself.

Seeing as Tia hasn't even stepped into the Library yet, whilst Khad is always playing a sport, the likeliness of knowing someone is pretty much zero. Bummer.



"I asked you a question."

"I didn't catch it, what was it?"

Rosie huffs, suddenly coming to a halt, her long blonde hair dramatically fanning around her face as she crosses her arms across her body. She doesn't look happy, her tiny mouth puckered up into an angry pout; eyes glaring and narrowed.

"Do you not like me or something?" Her question takes me off guard, and a few students in ear-shot distance lift their head to watch the drama unfold.

"W-w-what?" I stutter, unsure how I'm meant to answer the question. There's obviously only one answer that's suitable in this situation, and it's a lie. I'd love to tell her to leave me alone, that I'm stressed enough as it is, and don't need this pathetic display of drama to fulfil whatever movie-scene fantasy she has in mind.

"You act as if you hate me, and I've been nothing but nice to you. If you don't want me around, then just tell me!" she doesn't even attempt to keep her voice hushed, and the people around aren't doing a subtle job at listening in.

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