Chapter 28-the movie part 4

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"The eden project. The CLA's next target." The man said as I held Angel close to me. 

"Alfie wouldn't have picked there. He hates that place. Said it was the most boring place in the world. It it was his choose hed pick somewhere where he could brag about it." I said and Fraiser nodded. 

"We don't think he picked the place. Just that hes helping them." I nodded as I looked at the screen of solders and officers rushing around and locking people inside the buildings to keep them safe. 

"What if they target the buildings?" I asked. 

"The glass is bullet proof. No one will be harms." I nodded. 

"You have to let me talk to him." Miss Gulliver said. 

"Sorry but its too late for that. We have to neutralise the subject immediatly." He said.

"There not going to the Edan project." Miss Porter said.

"Wait what about the others?" I asked. "There just kids."

"Da. Da." I looked at the screen. 

"Oh god its them." Miss Gulliver said. I hid Angels face in my shoulder so she wouldn't see but as they shot it revealed the man wasn't Alfie.  

"There going to peneleven Castel." Susan said. 

"And how would you know that?" The man asked.

"I have a chip in Jo's neck." Shje said. I gave her a funny look. "What all mothers do it....don't they?" She asked and the other mothers shook there heads. 

"I need to cacll them." I said getting my phone out. 

"I advice agest that." The leader of the police said. 

"Look my bother adn my boyfriend are involved. My best friends are in the middel of it all. There kids. We dfont know if anyone ids hurt or worse...I need to call." I said adn he went to stop me again but Susan stopped him. 

"She is the only one who can reasure us there all alive." Susan said adn I clicked Mitchells name. 

"J? Bad timing babe." I heard him whisper. 

"Is everyone alright?" i asked. 

"Yeah. Just a little shook up. Everyone's alright tough." I sighed in releife. "You alright. Angel okay?"

"Yeah we're okay. What going on?" I asked.

"Were inside the castle. They've got enough food and stuff to last ages. Don't know if we can get out." I had to think. 

"They stock piled food. They could be in there weeks." I frowned to the others. 

"Who you talking too?" Mitchell asked. 

"Police." I said. "What about Alfie? Whats he doing?" 

"Trying to find us a way out." Mitchell said before my phone cut off. I looked at the screen and frowned. 

"Phone died." I sigh. "Everyone's alright. There safe and inside the castle." I said and the mothers viably relaxed a little. "We need to get them out."


I stood on a boat with Susan as I looked around. I held a base ball bat near me.

"Did you need to bring that?" Susan asked.

"Yes." I said quickly. "What Alfie was talking about. The tunnels. Legands say the entrance it over there." I said pointing towards the rocks. "Maybe I could get into the castle and get them out."

"No its too risky." Susan said. 

"We have to try something." I said. I heard a loud bang. "Oh god they have guns." I panicked.  I jumped off the boat and ran towards the rocks adn saw the others coming out. 

"Mum!" They screamed and ran to there mums. 

"Oi. Help." Rem said. Mitchell and Cleo went back to help but got grabbed. 

"Oi!" One guy looked up and I hit him as hard as I could on the head.  Susan spraying the other with pepper spray.

"Come on kids. Lets go." She said adn walked off. I hugged Mitchell adn he held me just as tight. 

"Dont you ever scare me like that ever again!" I yelled into his shoulder. 

"I promise babe. I wont." I sighed kissing him before we helped Cleo get Rem to the boats.


We sat by the ambulance. Angel sitting on Mitchell's lap as she hugged him, clearly she missed him. 

"You okay?" I asked. He nodded. "You know how I said I felt left out?"

"Yeah. Sorry. I swear as soon as we're back all three of us will do something together." I shook my head smiling. 

"Its alright. Im sort od glad I didnt get in voloved this time." I smiled adn he chuckled. 

"Da. Da." Angel said.

"Im alright princess. Really." He smiled kissing Angels head.


Results day came. I stood calmly next to Alfie as the others ran in. They grabbed there results adn I followed Mitchell over to the side of the room. 

"So? Did you do well?" He asked. I helped up the unopened envelope. 

"I have't opened it yet." I said. 

"Whats to worry about babes. You already have the dream college offer." Chantell smiled.

"I forgot to mention...I have to get B's or higher to get in." I sigh and Mitchell smiled. 

"You're bound to get in." He smiled. He opened his and saw all C's except 2 f's.

"Well done." i smiled kissing him quickly. 

"Your turn." He said and I opened the envelope. I pulled out the paper and looked down at the grades. 

"I got it." I smiled and he picked me up spinning me around. 

"Alright everyone. Group photo." My dad called out and we walked over to the others and stood together taking the photo.

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