Chapter One

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3rd POV
Y/n bows before the family, he spoke in a weird accent, like british.

Y/n: I am honor to be your butler.

Moments after, the family walks away as Jacques turn to him.

Jacques: I think that's enough introduction, brew me some tea and bring it to my office.

Y/n: Yes, Master. What kind?

Jacques: Green, once you are done with that, go around and help my family.

He walks away, Y/n walks into the kitchen where he starts to brew some tea. He pours it in a cup, before setting it on a platter and turning around to see Whitley.

Y/n: May I help you, Master Whitley?

Whitley: Make me a chocolate parfait.

Y/n: As you wish, once I am done delivering Master Jacques, his tea.

He walks out and carries it to his office, he knocks on it, when he heard him say, "Come on!" He enter the office to set the little cup that is on the small plate on Jacques desk. He then grab the platter, before heading out, and he grab the door knob.

Jacques: Wait!

His heart stopped, he turn to Jacques.

Jacques: Where did you make this tea?

Y/n: Well, me and my mother would always compete on the best tea or drink when I was younger. So, that may answer your question.

Jacques: Where's your mother right now?

Y/n: She's dead, Master.

Jacques's eyes widen, before closing them immediately and clearing his throat.

Jacques: I am sorry, that I all.

Y/n walk out, then carry on to make that chocolate parfait for Whitley. He puts it on his platter, before putting a napkin with a spoon on it and carry it up to his room. He knocks on the door.

Y/n: Master Whitley, I have your parfait!

The door open, he look down to see him, Whitley soon let him in to set his parfait.

Whitley: Look, I don't want the parfait. I just wanted to say that nobody here likes you, you are just here has a temporary replacement. So mind as well just enjoy it.

Y/n: Did I upset you?

Whitley: Yes.

Y/n: My apologies, anything else?

Whitley: Did you hear what I said?

Y/n nods, Whitley was confused.

Whitley: So, are you not going to get mad? Or anything?

Y/n: My, no no. I have other things to worry about.

Whitley: That is all.

Y/n walks out of the room, and he soon begin to walk around the home and look for others that is in need of help.

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