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Your bar was bouncing tonight. Thanks to the Fogteeth clan, a huge block party was being hosted at the bar where you worked. Dorghu, the leader, called your boss and asked them if they would host it. Well, asked is the wrong word, more like bribed him with 1,000 bucks and a guarantee of a full house. But hey, it keeps your sucker stock full so no complaints there, you just had to deal with ten times more people. Thanks for hiring more employees boss...

The first ones to arrive at the bar was the Fogteeth clan themselves. Dorghu introduced himself to your boss Tony, who shook his hand.

"Welcome, come on and meet the bartender lollipop." He chirps as he walks to the bar where you, just arrived but already in your apron and a sucker in your mouth, setting glasses up behind the bar.

"This here is the fastest bartender in the city, lollipop, these are the Fogteeth boys, they are hosting a party here tonight. Gonna be a lot of people here, think you can handle it?" He asks, lowering his eyes in a dramatic way, his thick sunglasses rolling down his long nose.

You rolled the sucker to one sight and smiled.

"No problemo boss man." You say with a salute.

"Good, see? Everything will be taken care of." Tony says looking at Dorghu, but he wasn't looking at Tony.

Dorghu slowly leaned forward and hummed, his deep baritone voice sending a shiver down your spine. You had been attracted to orc for years, and seeing the big guy himself looking you up and down? Woof.

He smirked, looking at a large glass jar filled to the brim with different kinds of suckers, from lollipops to dum dums.

"Is this where my hard earned cash is going? To finance your addiction?" He jokes, plucking one from the jar and wiggling it. You shrugged.

"Hey I'm getting over smoking and patches and gum doesn't seem to work." You reply, then a thought popped in your head and you smirked, leaning forward resting your hand on your chin.

"Besidee, I been sucking on things since I was a baby. Gotta have something to keep my mouth occupied." You winked.

Dorghu hummed, groaned a little as he gave you a once over again before licking one of his tusks.

"Talk like that could get your mouth in a lot of trouble." He growls.

"I'm not worried." You reply, rotating the sucker stick, causing him to look back down at your mouth and just his tongue out to lick his lips.

"I'll be seeing you later, lollipop." He growls, sticking the sucker in his hand in his pocket and winking, walking away with his boys.

You hummed, watching his ass as he went and hummed. This was gonna be a good night.

Later that evening while the party ensued, heavy dubstep music played quietly while some people danced, some people sat at the bar and chatted, some flirted and made out on the booths and chairs with the Fogteeth and Dorghu was in the middle of it all, two beautiful orc women at his sides. And a way you were almost jealous of these women, he was quite the attractive orc. At one point you noticed one of the orc women found the sucker in his pocket and waved it in his face, obviously questioning him about it. He simply shook his head and took it from her grasp, mumbling something to her and putting it back in his pocket. As he did so, he cast a quick look to you and winked with a small smirk. You returned his smile while continuing to pour drinks.

These little looks went on for about an hour as music and dancing continued. you didn't feel like it was a big crowd but more and more people began to show and some points you felt a little overwhelmed but the fog teeth were there to lighten the load by taking a lot of the girls off with them are chatting up with the guy said that you would have the time to pour the drinks. They were surprisingly nice for being one of the top gangs in the city, even the state.

"Bartender!" You turn and see Dorghu approaching with the two orc women.

"Whiskey." He orders slapping his bucks on the bar.

Seeing how big the bill was, you assumed he wanted the whole bottle. You fish through the bottom for an unopened whiskey bottle and hand it to him, moving to the register to get his change out.

"Keep it..." He says, surprising you into turning around confused.

"... lollipop." He smirks, causing the other two to giggle as he walked away, winking at you as he did.

You blinked in surprise, looking at Dorghu while he pulled an orc woman onto his lap and his hand instantly went to her ass. This made you wonder how his hands felt on your ass. But you knew he only wanted orc women. Shrugging, you continued your shift of endless drink requests. All the while putting more suckers in your mouth.

Finally at the end of your shift when the last person was leaving and the Fogteeth were ready to head out, you cleaned up the bar and began putting up chairs and stools. Surprisingly, the boys began to help you.

"Oh you guys don't have to do that I can do it myself." You say rolling a sucker on your tongue.

"Boss' orders." One replies as he puts chairs up.

"Oh. Ok well thanks." You chirp as you wipe down the counter and take out the trash and put the money away.

"Alright, were all good boss." A bohemoth of an orc says as they all gather around.

Tony emerged from his office and began to sort out the money from the register, handing it to Dorghu, who handed that off to another orc. Then they shook hands and Tony walked away. The orcs began to file out while you untied your apron and pulled on your sweater.

"Later sweetie." A couple of them chuckled as they walked away when they all exited the bar.

You waved them goodbye as you waited for the last of them so you could lock the door. Dorghu was last to go, stepping off the steps while you locked up and watched you dig a sucker from your pocket and begin to unravel it. But he stopped you, taking your hand in his own. You looked up at him as he closed in on you, his hot breath wafting into your face. He smelled like alcohol and musky. It was delicious.

"I got something better for you to suck on baby." He mutters and takes your hand, leading you to a parked suv and getting in, dragging you with him.

As he made himself comfortable in the seat, you put your sucker away. Yup, definitely better then lollipops.

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