Mike x Nick

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Mike shook the pain can and sprayed a large O to start his new design. It was pretty ballsy of him to spray paint right there in the middle of the day with people not feet from him. But anyone who knows Dorghu knows not to fuck with his boy. Even the cops gave him a wide birth because they are afraid of what Dorghu and his boys would do. Then suddenly he heard a gunshot from a few blocks down. He tsked and shook his head. Fucking LA... He hoped it wasn't one of his guys being gunned down, it could have been one of them who fired the shot. But he didn't care, he wasn't involved in it.

As he finished his graffitti, he suddenly felt a strong impact on his back, sending him against the wall cheek first with a grunt. He felt a hand on his shoulder and a knee against his thighs, pressing him against the wall with a strong chest and thick arms against his back. Wondering who the dick was who would dare touch him, he sniffed the air. His nose was instantly met with another orc smell. His eyes caught sight of a badge and they widened. It was that orc cop Jakoby! Oh, dad was gonna have a hayday with this one.

Strangely however, when Jakoby smelled him, he froze and slowly removed him, stepping away. Mike turned around and glared up at the officer, but he didn't move to arrest him. Instead he looked conflicted. Then he growls angrily and shuffled his feet.

"You ain't the one." He growls.

His growl did something odd to Mikey's body. It sent a shiver down the boy's back. It made him confused. He had been feeling strange all month and he didn't understand why he didn't want to do his usual deeds he did before. He found no interest in making out with girls, hanging with the guys when they had their orgies. He just lost interest. Until now that is. When Jakoby pressed his knee against his thigh, he felt a rush of lust run through him. He kept it in check however, simply staring at Jakoby as he looked at the alley entrance and then back to Mikey.

"Come on kid." He says walking past him. Even with every warning bell going off, he followed the cop.

"Come up, hop up here." He says quickly, reaching for an escape ladder. Then Mikey understood, he was helping him escape. Mikey was quick to step into Jakoby's folded hands and climb up the ladder.

"Go on, go!" He shouts as he walks away.

Mikey quickly took off, climbing up the stairs and over the roof, running to the middle and waiting until the cop sirens went silent before climbing over the other side and heading back to the church. As he walked, he couldn't help but wonder who shot who. If the cop was after him, it must have been another cop. But he was mistaken for another orc and the cop helped him escape. It was smart, had he been taken, he would have been accused of killing a cop and he would have gone to jail or be beating to death by other cops.

He groaned and adjusted his pants, squirming as he continues to walk to the church. He had to admit, having jakoby pressed against him like that did something to his body. Of course only being a teen, it wasn't hard to get...well hard. But he never figured another guy would do it for him. Still, Jakoby was more fit then he thought.

When he reached the church, he greeted the guys hanging around the church and went to his room up the stairs. He shut his door and sighed, plopping down on his bed onto his back and rest his arm over his eyes.

His body was still thrumming with excitement from the day and he couldn't help his mind from wandering to Jakoby. Why did he save him? Did his partner get shot? Why did he make him feel hot? He groaned and rolled over onto his side.

Instantly his hand reached into his pants, rubbing himself through his boxers. He could still smell jakoby, could still feel his strong body pressed against him, his warm breath on his neck as he pushed against him. He could imagine Jakoby pressing harder into him, his hips grinding against his backside, his lips leaving featherlight touches across his neck and ear as his hand reached to his front, taking over his hand and rubbing him. Mikey moaned through his teeth and slipped his hand into his boxers, instantly wrapping around his cock and pumping himself as he thought of Jakoby doing it to him, twisting and pulling his cock gently as he ran his tongue down the base of his ear, causing Mikey to groan in pleasure. His hand moved faster, pumping harder and tightening his fist, jacking harder as he ground against him harder, pinning him down and all but humping him through his pants while he breathed down his neck. Suddenly, Mikey growls, cumming in his hand. He panted, laying on his back and sighing. Damn he needed a shower.

After what seemed like months later, he stood with his father and the gang, a shotgun in his hand as two cops knelt to them. There was rumor of a wand and two cops knew the location. Dorghu wanted it, so he made his boys go get the cops and bring them to him. They had an elf with them so immediately Dorghu figured they had the wand. As he began to beat Jakoby, Mikey had to turn away. It made him sick to his stomach seeing this kind of torture. Then Dorghu stood, brining Jakoby with him and making him kneel in front of the pit. It was easily 20 stories deep.

"Tonight, my son earns his colors." Dorghu says, motioning for Mikey to come forth.

"Mike." He says. Mike gulped, walking to him and cocking the gun, aiming it at Jakoby's head. But he couldn't do it, he couldn't pull the trigger on the orc who saved his life. Sighing, he lowered the gun.

"I can't kill him father. He saved my life. I would have been put in prison if it wasn't for him." He says in orcish.

Dorghu hummed, walking up and taking the gun from him, pressing his forehead to his son's.

"Go home son." He orders kindly.

Mike was quick to leave, hating what happened next. As he made it to the front door of the church, he heard the gun go off and he flinched. He felt a tear form in his eye and his heart dropped at the loss of a good cop. And a good orc. Sighing, he walked home, his hands in his pockets and tears in his eyes over the death of Nick Jakoby.

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