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Mikey x reader part 2

Mikey huffed as he lay on his back, one of his arms resting on his stomach while the other was tucked under his head, golden eyes glaring up at the ceiling of his bedriom. Heavy orcish music pounded around the walls and laughter was heard on the other side of his door. His dad was having a meeting with his buddies during their poker night, or he would have joined them. Instead, since he didn't earn his colors yet, he wasn't permitted to listen to their business.

He scoffed, rolling to his side and sighing deeply. He was so bored but he didn't want to sleep. Then he sat up, wondering if his neighbor wouldn't mind some company. You and he had grown quite close since that dinner with him and his father. He would come over sometimes and help you with small jobs around your apartment, help you cook and eat dinner when you were lonely. Deciding, he got up, slipping on his button down under his tank top and turning to the door. But then he paused, looking at his desk and hummed. He was going to see y/n, should he?....

He opened the top drawer and pulled out a small glass bottle of cologne and moved to the window, sliding it open and taking a deep breath. He sprayed his shirt and neck with the cologne and his senses went haywire despite the open window. He fluffed his shirt and coughed at the strong smell despite the cool air blowing most of it off. Y/n once told him she liked the scent of a certaib cologne so when he walked by a store, he couldn't help but buy the small bottle that sat in the window. He still didn't know what possessed him to do it.

After he recovered from the cologne, he shook his head and flattened the shirt down, checking himself in the mirror before leaving his room. He walked down the hall and to the living room where his dad and the boys were at the table, money and cards scattered all over along with half empty liquor bottles. He kept his head down as he made a beeline to the door, hoping his presence didn't disturb the boys. As he reached the door, he grabbed the knob-

"Mike." He winced as his father spoke up and he realized that they all went silent.

He turned his head a little and looked at the group, who had noses flared and suspicious looks on their faces. His father however, cards still in his hand and a cigarette in his mouth, simply raised a brow ridge.

"Where you headed son?" He asks.

"Next door... I won't be gone long." He says quickly opening the door and slamming it shut.

Dorghu hummed as the others began to wonder why the hell the boy had cologne on. But dorghu knew, he was sweet on the neighbor girl. As long as he didn't do anything stupid, he didn't care. With a grunt from him, the others ceased their mumbling and continue with their game while Dorghu smirked.

Meanwhile across the hall, a pair of headphones rested on your head with your own music, swaying back and forth as you layered a pan with ingredients to make your mother's lasagna she made you when you were a child.

As soon as you sprinkled the last bit of cheese on and pulled your headphones off your head to wash your hands, you heard the door being knocked on hard, startling you a bit. But you weren't mad, the orcs across the way were so loud, someone had to practically bang on the door for anyone to hear. You moved to the door and opened it, smiling in surprise at the orc in front of you.

"Oh hi Mike, how goes it?" You ask moving aside to let him in without question.

"Hey..." He says walking in to the living room.

As he passed you smelled a handsome smell, a rich cologne filled your nostrils and you almost hummed. You once told him you liked that cologne and now he's wearing it. Odd, but it smelled so good. You eyed Mikey as he went to the kitchen and took out a beer, looking down at the glass pan on the stove and wrinkled his snout at the colorful dish.

"What's this mess?" He asks taking a sip while you shut the door and walked to him.

"What, never had lasagna before?" You smile as you put the pan in the oven and set the timer, getting your own drink and sitting down as Mike had already made himself comfortable on the couch, your remote in his hand.

"Are they having a meeting?" You ask.

"Yeah..." He says slumping against the couch and sipped his beer, throwing his arm over the back of the couch and behind your head as you curled your feet up beside you, all but leaning on him, not that he minded of course.

"Well, at least I get to spend time with my favorite girl." He smirks, eyeing you with his golden yellow orbs. Deep inside, he was screaming idiot over and over again. But you chuckled and nudged him with your elbow but leaned closer to him.

"Your adorable." You say and he chuckles, sighing to himself in relief as the two of you continue to watch TV.

After an hour, the two of you had practically twisted yourselves in each other's arms. You were on his lap and your legs were dangling over his legs as his hands found themselves around your waist and hip, leaning on his chest and hugging his neck. A horror had came on and you were a bit squeamish when it came to bones being crushed and spiders crawling in mouths and pieces of the body being chopping apart for food.

"Hey..." He mutters, causing you to turn your head to face him. You didn't realize you were so close to him, your lips were almost on top of each other.

"Yeah?" You whispered, eyeing his lips and tusks as his tongue jutted out, licking his bottom lip.

"Can I..." He paused, his words caught in his throat.

But you knew what he wanted. Smiling lightly, you leaned in, closing the gap and pressing your lips to his. The tusks poked the sides of your mouth but you didn't mind, and apparently neither did he. He returned it with a grunt of relief and you smiled in the kiss, pulling his collar closer to you in an attempt to deepens the kiss.

Within seconds, he had you over his lap and pressed close to his chest while he deepened the kiss, one hand holding the back of your head while the other clung to your shapely ass, squeezing it gently while he moaned in your mouth. Your hands roamed up and down on the front of his shirt, pulling on the lapel to draw him even closer. But eventually you had to  deal for air, parting your bruised lips from each other. The two of you panted as you gazed at one another, almost frozen, neither knew what to say.

"You wore the cologne for me..." You murmured as you took a big whiff of his throat as he massaged your ass against his lap.

"I knew you liked it..." He pants as you lick his neck, bringing your nose to his throat and nibbling the flesh there. His apple bobbed up and down as he gulps and he pulled you away by your shoulders.

"Listen... If we're gonna do this, I wanna do it right." He says.


"...I wanna take you to dinner. Make you my woman...if you want." He says, suddenly shy again. This brought a smile to your face.



"I'd love that." You say hugging his neck and kissing his cheek. He grins, hugging you back burying his face in your neck and inhaling the scent of him. The two of you settled again, smiling.

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