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Translation: The Second

Chapter Two § First Meeting


A week had passed since Taehyung had learned of his engagement to JJK, the leader of the snakes. The entire week, Taehyung had been anxious.

He didn't know when JJK would come round to see him, didn't know what would happen. Dutifully, he had kept the weapon gifted to him at his side as often as possible, and loyally wore the engagement ring.

As much as Taehyung hated the mafia boss for threatening his only family, he knew he had to follow through with the engagement, meaning that he loyally wore the ring, and when people asked, he told them he was engaged.

At the moment, his grandparents were out at a club meant for elderly couples, leaving him home alone. Taehyung sat in the living room, laid back on the couch with Jazz music playing softly.

His eyes were closed, peacefully enjoying the quiet atmosphere. When Taehyung relaxed like that, no thoughts flooded his head, no fears plagued his mind. His head was clear, his thoughts were rational.

After a week of stress, Taehyung needed the moment of relaxation. That was, until a couple of sharp knocks rapped on the front door, interrupting his silence.

At first, Taehyung merely ignored the sound, hoping it was only a scammer trying to hand him some sort of flyer or pamphlet. But the knocking persisted, becoming more and more irritating as time went by.

Finally, Taehyung flew to his feet, letting out a low growl. "Shut up already! I'm coming, jesus shit!"

He purposely lowered his tone, far too irritated at his peace being disturbed to care. He flung open the door, glaring with anger at the person standing there.

"Hello, petal. It's nice to finally meet you."


Taehyung closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose in irritation before stepping aside, allowing the mafia to enter, seen as it wouldn't do him any good to slam the door in his face.

"Couldn't you have picked a better day to show up out of nowhere? I was finally able to have some fucking peace and quiet after all the stress this week," Taehyung grumbled out as he led the mafia into the living room.

JJK merely chuckled lightly, sitting opposite of Taehyung, who laid back down, hands folded beneath his head while his ankles crossed.

"Sorry, petal. Didn't mean to disturb you. I finally got everything in order. Some idiot thought it would be a good idea to steal my money while I was out of the country, so I had to take care of her."

Taehyung visibly grimaced, shooting JJK a disgusted look. "Didn't need to know that. So, you've met me. Anything else you need? If not, doors right there."

The raven smirked at Taehyung, leaning back into the couch comfortably, apparently completely relaxed.

"You like Jazz music?"

With a sigh, Taehyung sat up, choosing to look out the window to his right with a blank expression.

"I like a variation of music. However, my mother really enjoyed Jazz and Classical, so that is what I tend to listen to more often. Helps the pain a bit, being able to have a couple fond memories of them."

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