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Translation: The First

Chapter one § Kim Taehyung


"Alright! That's a wrap! Good work, Kim. You can go home now."

Park Junghoon, Taehyung's manager, clapped his hands briskly as he walked off the set, paying no attention to the blond photographer as he packed his things to go home.

While Taehyung adored photography, he resented the neglect towards him as the one who did a good deal of the work for many, many photoshoots.

Photographers were the ones who took the right shots, did the editing, printed, edited more, and finally submitted the product to the manager.

Models only had to sit and look pretty, something Taehyung had always envied. Taehyung worked hard to steer a steady course through the photography business, earning himself a lucky chance at being a photographer for Gucci, his all time favorite company.

With a sigh, the nineteen year old grabbed his things, and clocked out, more than ready to go home to his safe, warm bed. The nice thing about Gucci was that modelling and photography staff did not have to go in on the weekends, unless there was a major shoot for new products or a collaboration.

He always looked forwards to spending time with his grandparents, the only family he had left after the loss of his parents. Fortunately for him, Taehyung and the investigators of the case were the only people that knew of that night, otherwise he was more than sure his grandparents would no longer want him around.

Taehyung had always believed that he was a mistake. That if he had never existed, that night never would have happened. Even if he knew it wasn't true, his head wanted to believe it was.

However, walking into the warm, comfortable home he spent the last nine years in felt good. He didn't regret being able to live with his grandparents; he loved them.

The moment that his shoes and jacket came off, Taehyung was pulled into a tight, warm hug by his grandmother. Obviously, the blond hugged her back just as tightly, relaxing into the hold of his grandmother.

"How was your day, love?" She questioned softly as the pair made their way into the kitchen. At the table sat Taehyung's grandfather, readying plates and bowls of food for the three of them.

"Tiring, but definitely worth-while. How was your guys' day?" Taehyung replied back just as softly before picking up his chopsticks, more than ready to eat the home-cooked food.

"It was content, son. Enjoy your dinner. Afterwards, you should wash up and head to bed. It's late." Indeed it was. The time was nearing eight p.m.

For Taehyung, by the time that he finished eating, helped clean up, and showered, it would be closer to ten. So he agreed to his grandfather's statement before digging in, happily munching on the food.


After Taehyung finished his shower and dressed into pajamas, he shuffled downstairs to say goodnight to his grandparents.

Only, they weren't in their room like usual. Just when he was about to call out to them, he noticed that the sliding doors separating the living room from the hallway were slid shut with only a crack, and light coming through.

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