A Errand

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General POV

Daisuke and The others were quickly put on guard at the appearance Of Myotismon. "What are you doing here you freak" questioned Daisuke getting ready to digivolve  V-mon. The Dark Lord simply smirked menacingly at the group before him. "Humph as much as I would enjoy fighting you I'm afraid that is not why I am here". Daisuke stepped forward "Oh yeah then why are you here to seek revenge or something or just threaten us". Myostismon simply growled "None of the above you simple minded life form I told you I am not here seeking a fight but a errand for the one you call genai". This caused all them all to take a step back "What Genai sent you but why". The Dark digimon simply floated away from the group "I do not know why me perhaps he was short on time or something with the growing threat however I should inform you I am not the same Myotismon your group fought in the past but one of the same family that simply evolved into this form during my life cycle". This further surprised the Digidestined cause them to completely lower there guard put of shock. "You mean your not the one who tried to take over the digital world". This caused the dark digimon to laugh quite loudly a sound which visibly disturbed the Digidestined. "Of course not that fool is long gone". After this Daisuke relaxed "Awesome so what's the errand bud" this reponse was quick to be confronted by the rest  of the group "Dai dont be so quick to drop your guard he could be lying" reprimandmend Ken. Daisuke simply smiled "Relax ken I'm sure it will be fine " heeding there friends words the groups decided to give the new digimon a chance "So what did he send you for" asked Miyako.
"Genai sent me here with a warning for you" All the attention was on the new Myostismon whom took a moment to gather his thoughts. "The Message he sent me with was very unclear thou he told me that it was of the utmost importance so listen carefully He said a darkness has return one you banished long ago and that you should be ready do not drop your guard young ones the darkness seeks the light of the past to further his quest for domination". "What ?"questioned Daisuke and Miyako at the same time "What do you mean by a darkness" quested Iori. However Myostismon simply shook his head "I do not know the meaning of this message so do not waste our time with questioning me" With a bow "My errand has been completely I bid you adu Digidestined and good luck" with that the world began to shift and return to its previous form as the Digimon disappeared "Hey Wait!!" shouted Daisuke however his shout fell short as the digimon fully and only caused a few passerby to give him a strange look. Turning Back to the others he offered them a sad smile "Looks like our trip is being put on hold huh guys".

End of chapter
Hey everyone been a bit huh sorry about that but I wanted to spend the holidays with my family so I took a break but I'm back and hopefully you enjoyed this chapter so what do you think surprised but you thought Myostismon was the villain Nope not at all I just wanted do a small bit with him cause why not anyways this chapter was a bit short but dont worry the next chapter should pick things up as the story will start rolling.
Until Next Time

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