So It Begins

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General POV

"So, it looks like our trips being put on hold huh guys" spoke Daisuke offering his friends a sad smile. One which was mirrored by the others and a loud sigh from Miyako "Let's just go contact the others" she spoke as she begins to walk away grumbling under a breath a curse. She was soon followed by the others all questioning why this always happen to them. As the group wonder with heads down towards their destination none of them notice the suspicious lack of activity and people around them all too last in thought about the impending disaster to follow. As the humans continued to wonder the Digimon at their sides seem to be the ones to take notice of the questionable activity the silence seems to grow heavier as the journey continued until the sounds of crackling electricity broke through the air. Being the first to pick up on its V-mon was the first to react "Everyone!! Get Down!!' The small dragon shouted before tackling his friend and partner to the ground with his V-Headbutt his actions were copied by the others whom on their own partner knocking the group to the ground as a black bolt of lightning exploded above their heads snapping all the humans out of their thoughts as they instinctually covered their heads. "What the hell was that?" question Daisuke shouting at the top of his lungs. His question was meant with laughter coming from the direction of the lightning bolt originating from a group of four shadowy figures a Black and red skeleton holding a stuff the bones that made up his body were on full display their structure study and strong. Beside the skeleton stood a grotesque looking squid his head that of a devil with tentacles springing from the back of his head. Standing proud by the squid was a distinctive female dressed head to toe in black as chains covered her body and one hand covered by a deadly claw her silver hair flowing down her back. At the front of the group was a being completely covered by a red robe its wings protruding from its back the figures red eye boring into the group filled with malice and evil. As the Digi Destined regained their senses and took notice of the group a look of dread soon covered their face mixing with the disbelief shown within their eyes. "No way Is that really......." spoke Ken as his voice soon trailed off. Daisuke was quick to continue for his friend "How are you here Daemon".


The demon lord Digimon was slow to respond taking his time to slowly descend from his perch in the air as he decreased the distance from the group as there partner were quick to form a line of defense "It has been some time Chosen Children" he voice was deep and filled with amusement as he watched the scene unfold before him the humans followed there Digimon lead taking a stance behind them trying to shake off the surprise from the event that has just occurred. "Not Long enough if you ask me" replied Ken as he focused upon the enemy before them. "So why are you here huh you out for revenge" asked Miyako her question seems to heighten the amusement of the Demon Lord as he let out another dark laugh. "Hardly child while that idea is amusing, I am here for a far deeper reason" "You three children will now serve me more accurately your partner there are going to help me uncover some lost truths." Daisuke was quick to question

n him "Truths for what" however Daemon shook his head "I'm afraid the time for questions is up your coming with me now" raising his arm above his head Daemon made a gesture towards his companions whom were quick to obey and rushed towards the group. "Oh yeah I would like to see you try " shouted Daisuke raising his digivice into the air followed by the others "Digi-Armor


Pained howled filled the air has the group of humans were quickly slammed head first against tiles of stone by shadowy tendrils coming from Daemon the force of which rendered the humans limp and immobile and as the tendrils disappeared the bodies fell limp as Daemon looked at the group.

"Didn't I Tell You Time was up "


End of Chapter

An Hey everyone sorry it's been a bit I got caught up in some school shit Midterms are next week Anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter fair warning thou things are going to get a bit darker now so you have been warned

Until Next Time


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2020 ⏰

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