chapter 2

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Pin drop silence was finally broken by the cry of an infant.

The midwives immediately took the blob of pink flesh from the doctor and clean it in the tub near by.

The room was still very bright despite it was already midnight of August 15th. With white curtains reflecting the surgery lights and white walls to bounce of the radiance.

The beeping sound of the heart monitor and other machine filled in the emptiness of the room. The slight murmur of the doctors and midwives further strengthen the rhythmical sounds of the machines.

On the bed, there was a green haired woman in her early thirties breathing heavily. Beside her was her grey haired and blue eyed husband in his forties. 

Her husband held his wife's hands and whispered sweet, comforting words into her ears. And kissing her tenderly on the lips, praising her for being brave.

"Your doing great, sweetie" He caressed her red, swollen cheeks. Her half lidded eyes watched her husband doing the repeated pattern over and over again. She found that soothing, and slowly she let herself relax in his touch.

"Congratulations, Kawahima-san! It's a healthy girl!" The doctor announced as the midwife walked in with a bundle of joy in her arms. The man was so happy, his chest burst into array of gleaming sun rays, he turned to look at his wife.  her eyes watered, lips quivered.

"M-my baby!" A sob broke from her chapped lips.  Her shaky hands reached out to hold her new born baby. She hugged her close to her chest. Tears streaming down her cheeks.

All that matter is she is here.

Her baby is here.

"Fumiko" her husband cried, as he hugged his wife and his baby. "Fumiko-- I'm so happy!" his voice cracked.

"Look at her, Gito" Fumiko gently pushed into his arms. Gito hold her as if a priceless treasure from the seven seas. He pulled the pink blanket away from her face.

He gasped.

"She's-she's beautiful." He uttured. He lightly stroke her chubby cheeks. "she got your hair..."

Then the baby opened her eyes.

It was so blue.

Cerulean blue...

... like her father's.

Gito teared up and hugged his daughter close to him. "She got my eyes! My eyes!" He sobbed harder.

Fumiko leaned over to embrace both of them. The doctor walked over with a birth certificate in his hands.

"Kawahima-san, what will you name you daughter?" The doctor asked. 

"Negi." Fumiko smiled as her daughters grabbed hold of her index finger. 

"Kawahima Negi."


Before, Rein thought that it was all prank devised by her classmates. She felt that it was all too surreal to be true. But that was debunked when she was pushed out from a funnel. It was so painful that she let out a cry.



No fucking way! They got to be shitting on her!

Rein suddenly felt her body (body?since when did she have one now?) being held by a gigantic hand and passed to another. Then a flush of water pour onto her skin.

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