chapter 5

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Negi was a bit amused with how the things ran in this household. Now that she recently found out that her father is a world-renowned surgeon. Which speaks for his mob of grey hair from the years of tense operation. Her mother, on the other hand, is an herbalist. She got a doctorate on botany. That's a bit surprising for Negi since back in her previous life, she believed that herbalist is more of a traditional practice considering the fact that plants are the basis of medicines.

She was quite enthusiastic that she came from a family of doctors, although she was also curious about her coward brother. Not that she cared if he tried to shower Negi with love and praise (and only to be hit by a stray slipper). Negi thought Shiso might be around sixteen or seventeen years old.

Definitely, the time to be critical in choosing their career path. She always saw him cope up in his room every weekend and only come out to eat and then go back. At times, his bedroom lights are also on at midnight. Negi could reminisce back to her university days. Which she should've graduated beforehand. If it wasn't for the motherfucking driver.

(She still holds a grudge about it).

Negi, while being a perfectly normal toddler, tried to sneak behind her mother to get out of the room.

"Where do you think you're going, young lady?"

Negi felt the cold sweat sliding down her forehead. "Nowhere, mama." She pursed her lips hoping that she wouldn't find out.

Fumiko looked at her daughter in disapproval, "You're not allowed to go to the balcony." Negi jaw dropped.

"Mama-!" Negi tried to fumble her words

"-and that's the end of the conversation." Fumiko silenced her, then picked her up. "You make me wonder where did you get that mischievousness from." Sighed Fumiko. She carried Negi to the living room and set her on the sitting pillow. She turned on the television with the remote controller and changed the channel to news anchors. "I don't really know why you keep insisting on watching the news, Negi-chan." Fumiko looked at Negi uncertainly. "But if you really wanted to watch it, then it might be fine." Fumiko turned her back at Negi preparing to walk out of the room.

But before she went out. She grabbed something from her apron and rubbed it at the back of Negi. "Don't try to mask the aroma, Negi. You'll just waste your time. And don't even try to get away with it." Fumiko warned before she left the room.

Negi grabbed a patch of her onesie and sniffed at it.


It's mint. She got nowhere else to go now. She cursed at her fate.

"Everyone, look!" The news lady shouted into the mic, snapping Negi out from her despair. The whole television screen was covered with smoke but she can still see the news lady holding on the helicopter door with her dear life.

"He's here!" The news lady shouted gleefully. Then the scene was cut to a hypermasculine man clad in seemingly bright color landing onto the already destroyed area. The dust was blown away, showing the person who fell from the sky. His iconic two strands of hair stood tall and glistening from the flame. His body gave off an immense aura, that even Negi can feel with the television screen separating her from the live stream.

"I am-" Then he slowly rose from his crouch position.

"-Here!" He stood there proud and tall, he did not even flinch when the flames licking him. The villains backed off slightly, fearing that they will be defeated single handly by the hero.

"IT'S ALL MIGHT! THE SYMBOL OF PEACE!" The news lady continued, while the All Might is preparing to fight the villains.

"Surrender now!" All Might said as he lowered himself, "It's the best course of action for all of you." The villain, the leader, gritted his teeth.

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