Chapter 3 - Sabrina

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Sabrina Evanston

One week later

I woke up to my alarm blasting through my ears. My hand flapping around looking for the phone to stop the noise from ringing in my ears. When I find it I press the button to shut off the alarm. I feel myself go back to sleep. About five minutes later I hear the alarm go off again.

I groan and sit up. Rubbing my eyes and grabbing my phone, I turn off the alarm. Looking at the time that reads 7:14 am, I jump out of bed and run into the bathroom. Since I don't have enough time to take a shower, - note: I take really long showers- I have a bird bath which to me is disgusting. When I pick out my outfit I put it on. Checking the time again it read 7:25 am.

I sigh. My mom isn't here to help me out so I am kind of lost. Walking downstairs, I stuff my phone into my pocket. In the kitchen I make myself some cereal. It feels strange sitting here eating without my mom, I thought.

When I check the time again I saw it was 7:30 am. I rushed to grab my shoes and backpack.

Once I turn the lights off and lock up the house, I begin my five minute journey to school. Once I make it to the gates of Rickwood High School, I rush to my locker. Gathering what I need for Geometry class, I run down the hall.

When I walk into class, I take my seat next to Chris. He sits with his head down and I stare at him just like that for a moment. I guess he's pretty cute. I giggle to myself.

Once the bell rings for class to begin, I feel everyone transfer their attention towards Ms. Davis. She begins to teach the class. "And that, class is how-" I tuned her out. I looked over at Chris as he wrote in his note book. I have all of my notes copied down since I decided that I would come after school to get extra help.

I stare at his facial features. I see him peek up at me a few times, and I quickly avert my eyes elsewhere. I blush as he begins to speak. "I see you staring at me, you know?" He whispers to me. I giggle lightly.

"Eh. Whatever." I reply to him.

Friday, finally. Since today is Friday, I feel the day fly bye within the blink of an eye.

By the time I realize, I'm walking around to the gym for basketball tryouts. After this, I have to go to work and get my check. The coach, Ms. Harris, introduces herself to others who don't know her.

She calls us up by last name for tryouts. I have no clue what we are going to have to do, so I do become nervous. Since my last name begins with an E, I am like, 5th or 6th on her roster.

When Ms. Harris finally calls my name, I walk into the gym as a few girls walk out crying. Okay...

"State your name and why you want to tryout." She says plainly as if she's said this sentence to many times today. "Sabrina Evanston. I want to try out because I feel basketball is a sport that not most females play. I have always loved basketball and I never really had the guts to tryout until this year." I nervously conclude. "Hm."

"Alright. Dribble." She instructs sitting her clipboard down and throwing me a ball. I bend my knees, looking straight ahead and dribble the ball. I have a few handles but I do not want to show them off just yet. "Okay. Pass the ball to me."

I quickly decide to do a bounce pass to her. She does a baseball pass back to me. She waves her hands in front of her guiding me to throw to her. I throw an overhead pass to her and she throws a chest pass back.

"Strange. Most girls begin with a chest pass." "Well, I am not most girls coach."

"That you are not Ms. Evanston." I hate when people call me that. It reminds me of my mother. Feeling a pain in my chest I shrug it off. "Alright. Last test, shooting."

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