Chapter seventeen

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" July 5, 1939
My dearest Arthur, I want to start this letter by saying what a hard few months it has been. I would not want to relive this type of longing. I promised to always make sure I was well and healthy every day because I knew that if I lacked just a tiny bit, you would notice and throw the world's biggest fit. My training is over, and I have about another week here. I asked around, and it should be the same for you in England. I just hope that all of it was true and not a joke.

The sooner we get to see each other, the better. Once we get home, we should take a long nap together as long as you do not push me away again. Even if you did, I would not stop trying to get you to come closer to me. I miss you dearly, Arthur, and I hope you do as much as I do. I recently had a chance to go back home for some things, and I thought I saw you on the streets of Paris. It was not you, obviously, but I guess my mind was playing tricks on me.

Remember how when we first met, I took you to the museum? I told you these horrible jokes. I knew they were horrible and still told them to you. It was because you looked like the type to love bad jokes. I was right, you only laugh at jokes that made no sense, yet you still managed to smile. Maybe you tried to make me feel better by laughing, but I doubt that was the case. Because you tell the world's worst jokes to me. I never laugh, but you have the hugest smile on your face.

I miss your laugh; it always grabbed my attention from the other room. You always laughed at the weirdest things. "Paper cut?" You would laugh like a child. How was it that you always managed to laugh no matter the situation? You played it cool all the time and never let people walk all over you. That was what I love about you and what I still love about you. As I listen to old records that remind me of you, I can only dream of dancing with you again in our bedroom one day. I always picture it that way again.

Arthur, I love you with all my heart. If it takes any longer, I do not know what or how I will feel. The rumors of the English Channel closing were false. We can see each other whenever. I promise you no matter what, whether there is a war or not. I will see you again and be with you. Let's move into the countryside and be alone in privacy; I want to grow old with you and have no regrets. One day, my darling Arthur, I will kiss you once again as I did before.

~Love, Francis bonnefoy"

"July 8, 1939
Francis, I have finally received your letter, and all you say I feel too. I started to tear up a bit from the letter, but I managed to hold myself together, as I always do. I want nothing more than to be back in the bakery with you. Waking up beside you Saturday mornings, relieved that it is finally the weekend. I could stay with you, spend the days with you, lay with you, and be content with every second of it. In which my existence felt whole and complete throughout my time with you.

Francis? I know your birthday is soon; I hope we can see each other during the parade. Maybe, just maybe, it could happen. Both our countries are together in France to celebrate your country's independence, which happens to be your birthday. Maybe this is the chance we will be getting. My training ends in a week and a half, finally! I do not think I could have stood another minute of it. It was hard being away from you and sometimes family here in London. My baby brother peter was sent off to the countryside for safety as the British army built up.

He is staying with some family there while my brothers and I train. Soon it will be over, though. I have been so excited by the thought of seeing you again. I miss the taste of your freshly cooked bread. I think that is the first thing I want to eat with you. I have listened to some of your records here in London, and some of my buddies love them. Of course, I can never get enough of it, but the sounds and language remind me of you, my dearest and love, Francis. I love you so much.

Let's meet somewhere after if we see each other at the parade. The British army will arrive in Paris a day before, and we will have time to relax before the next day. The first thing I want to do is see you. Let's meet by the tower. I will be waiting there at 20:00 sharp. I hope this letter makes it to you in time before I leave. I want to make sure we meet as soon as possible. At least for a birthday gift for you. I am very excited if we are not able to meet... I suppose we will try again next month.

Lastly, I want to say to you, my love. I look at your gift every night. The locket seems to help me fall asleep as my mind continues to wonder. I long to see you in person again, to touch your soft hair. To feel your skin on mine and your lips speak. I will not give up till we have seen each other once more; in war or not, it is fate that we are together. Fate will pull us back together no matter what obstacle there may be.

~Love, Arthur Kirkland."

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