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"Oh so this is desert for you" I exclaim, looking at the bottles of alcohol that my friends bring to the table. "Isn't it obvious?" Smiles Sandy. "Okay Let's move to the coffee table" she then declares.

Way more than one drink later, we all are slumped in the living room. "Has anyone got coke?" Starts Francesca, totally drunk. I know she's smoking in the living room but I've decided not to say anything for once. She's not the only one smoking tonight anyways. "Oh come on Francesca don't start with that again!" I say, the most furiously possible, in my condition. "Well funny you should ask" smiles Timothée Chalamet, taking a little bag of white powder and shaking it in front of her eyes. "Who wants some?" he asks.

Obviously I'm the only one to refuse. I roll my eyes, irritated. "Wanna play a game?" Asks Armie, smiling, starting to be totally fucked up. I shake my head strongly but of course they all nod.

"Truth or dare?" he asks, looking at Sandy. "Dare" she answers, flirting with him. "I dare you... to kiss your little friend Ava. But a real kiss not a fucking kiss you had when you were 10" he winks.

My friend turns around to me and smiles. We used to kiss to train ourselves for when we would have a boyfriend. The only thing making me agreeing is the alcohol running through my veins. And well, maybe the fact to not look like a pussy in front of the new ones.

Her lips meet mine, and we exchange a long kiss. Out of the corner of my eyes, I see Timothée biting and licking quickly his lips. When I feel her tongue making its way to my throat, I scoff and move away, smiling.

"Okay, Ava, truth or dare?" My best friend asks. "Um.. truth" I answer. "Oh come on, you gurl don't know how to have fun" exclaims Francesca. I look at her furiously and smiles. "Okay... what are you the most ashamed of?" Sandy asks. I choke because I know she knows the answer and I clearly want to kill her. Well, here it goes.

"I'm still a virgin" I declare. "what???" "No way!" "How old are you again?". The questions fuse. "I was born on December 27th 1999, so I'm 20, thanks for asking" I smile, to Timothée. "No way! I was born on December 27th too!" He smiles. "Well, 1997, but we're almost twins" he continues, excited. I smile back.

"Well what are you most ashamed of?" I ask him. "Wow wow wow stop, I didn't even say truth yet!" He exclaims. I sigh : "fine! Truth or dare?" "Truth" he smiles, with a smirk on his face. I swear I can't stand him.

" I guess I'm kinda ashamed I never had a girlfriend since middle school". I did not expect that. How is it even possible? The man is handsome, funny and has a look that can make you fucking melt.

"So you never had sex too?" I ask, happy that I'm not the only one. "Um... I prefer fucking whores so..." "you, Timothée Chalamet, fuck sluts and consider it your hobby?" I ask, surprised. Well not that much surprised.. I mean the man clearly looks like someone like that. "Don't y'all look at me that way" he says, laughing.

As the game continues, I start to feel really, really bored. But then I hear my name. Timothée's looking at me.

"Helloooo" he says, laughing. "What?" I ask. "Well truth or dare?". I feel everyone looking at me. "Fine. Dare" I say, rolling my eyes. Timothée pulls his small bag of cocain out again, and gives it to me. "No fucking way, Chalamet." "Ava! A dare's a dare!" Exclaims Sandy.

I sigh. The man I once thought was the love of my life smiles and starts to prepare it. He rolls a banknote and hands it to me. I sigh again, and inhale it.

I feel the white powder burning my sinus as I start to feel my brain disconnecting. A weird feeling of fullness seize me. I smile, starting to feel high. "Can we stop that stupid game now?" I ask as I crank up the volume of the music and go in the kitchen.

But then I feel the urgent need of throwing up, and lean my head in the sink, as I start retching.

Once I finished my business, I look up to Timothée Chalamet walking towards me. "You okay?" He asks, kind of worried. "Is that concern I sense in your eyes?" I ask, bitterly. "What?" "gosh I hate you and your coke" I shake my head and leave the place.

Well now my throat is burning. The only thing I see is the bottle of Vodka. I go to grab it when a hand reaches it before me.

"Oh come on would you leave me alone?" I sigh. "I think you had enough to drink haven't you?" He smiles, gently. "My throat's burning" I whine. "And you take vodka to feel better? Well you are a funny one Ava March". Well he might be right. "Fuck you" I sigh again.

Giving him the finger, I go to the bathroom. I drink liters of water and walk towards my bed. I fall down and quickly sleep.

"Ava. AVA!" Shouts Sandy. "Would you turn the volume down, I'm trying to sleep here" I moan. "You fucking bitch! You let me tidy the house yesterday. Alone!" "Are you waking me up for this ?" I say while opening my eyes, and grumble when a terrible headache seizes me.

"It's 12 o'clock A". Fuck. "I saw on the agenda that you had a meeting at 2 so get up you cunt". "Thanks for waking me up Sandy. I mean it" I smile while slowly walking towards the bathroom, like a true sloth.

The horror vision I see make me wince. My face is terribly scary. I decide to take a shower before putting make up on.

I feel the hot water running down my back, my stomach and my hair. The steam makes me feel so good. "I'm going out today Ava" says Sandy. "Who with?" "Um.. Armie.." "oh man you saw him like 8 hours ago" I sigh. "Yeah well I like him so I'll be seeing him often" she says while closing the door.

And now I'm all alone. I put a grey Nike sweater that I stuck into my blue mom jeans. I open the zipper of my sweater which makes my cleavage appear a little.

I tie my hair up in a ponytail and a strand escapes it, as always. I tuck it behind my ear, grab my keys, phone and go to my bedroom to take my money. I see a paper on my bedside table. A number is written on it, with the letters "T.C " next to it.

If this boy is smug enough to think I will call him or text him, he is just wrong!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2019 ⏰

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