So like I have this fear of clowns. Like I have more of an undying hate towards them. I would legit throat punch a clown. I mean sure I watched the movie 'it', but like it wasn't even scary and I kinda wanted to kill him too😣
Like does anyone have such a fear. I mean I can't be alone in this? Or am I?
Well it actually all started at a school carnival, when I was small, and the damn clowns ended up chasing me and I got robbed of my pocket money. So sis was never the same again!😂
Anyway my ranting is shit, but still... how do I overcome this cause I can't take this into my adult life... unnecessary fights... yor.
The way we get by
RandomSo this is my little rant book thingy. So I just hope that people aren't rude and all that. Just come and enjoy and share your own opinion. Thanks!