i | ❝ writer's block ❞

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beep, beep, beeep

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beep, beep, beeep

namjoon groaned as he stretched out his hand to grab his now buzzing phone that had somehow been buried underneath a pile of crumbled up notebook pages. a frustrated sigh escaped his lips as he looked at the caller ID.


"namjoon!" an impatient voice interrupted him from the other end. "please please tell me you have the manuscript ready now."

"uh yeah about that.." namjoon began. "i'm kinda having trouble with the ending.."

the voice on the other end exhaled sharply, as if trying to calm down.

"you know the deadline is this weekend, right? if the manuscript isn't ready by then-"

"you won't be able to get it through publishing and my book will never be complete," namjoon finished, massaging his temples. "yeah i know, yoongi."

"well then make sure its done in time!" yoongi exclaimed.

"yeah, yeah i'll get something done. i should go back to writing now. thanks hyung.."

"yeah okay, bye."

namjoon took his pen in his hands, twirling it around in his fingers anxiously. he stared at the pages in his notebook, which were bow covered in scribbles and ink.

six months. he had been working in his book for half a year, only to be met by a writer's block near the time of publishing. just great.

namjoon sighed and took off his glasses; his eyes had started to ache from staying up all night. leaning back on his chair, he stretched his arms and gazed outside his open window.

it had just stopped raining; the slight breeze injected with the faint smell of flowers and fresh earth wafted though namjoon's study. he inhaled the calming scents, feeling his sore body relax.

"perhaps it's time for a walk," namjoon muttered to himself.

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