iii | ❝ ...hyung? ❞

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namjoon walked along the path, his boots crunching against the wet earth

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namjoon walked along the path, his boots crunching against the wet earth. he extended his hands as the last raindrops fell into his palm.

walks always calmed namjoon down. he would get lost in the sounds of the world, feeling at peace, clearing his mind, taming his soul.

sometimes, the walks bring back memories. of him. of early morning strolls. of his hand in his. of the sound of his laugh when he carcked a lame joke. of his scent when he held him close.

of the day they ended it all.

namjoon often found it funny, that, after eleven years, he couldn't forget him. even after he left for the States; even after he lost all contact with his hometown will studying abroad.

well they do say its hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember.

● ● ●

"areum-ah, be careful!"

seokjin watched as his daughter gleefully in the puddles in the path, splashing her father with water.

"come on, appa!" areum called as she waddled ahead in her pink raincoat. "you're slowing down!"

seokjin laughed and shook his head, following his daughter down the path.

a few meters down, something caught seokjin's eye. it wasn't anything that stood out, infact it was a person with his back towards him, holding an umbrella in his hands.

except that the umbrella was a baby blue with koalas on them. seokjin would recognise that anywhere.

for seokjin was the one who brought it... for him.

as if sensing his gaze, the stranger turned around, revealing his face.

as an instinct, seokjin's eyes met his. he could never forget those eyes, for he had spend months staring into them.

but then the person spoke.


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