Chapter 1: The Academy

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I stood staring at the huge building, it looked old and deserted. No one was home. I quickly sneaked inside, I was so hungry I would do anything for a piece of bread and a glass of milk. It was very dark inside, I couldn't see much of anything. Finally, I reached the kitchen or what I think is the kitchen then placed my hand on the wall as I crouched low and moved trying to find out where the refrigerator was. 

"There's no one here" I said assuring myself then I stood up.

I had escaped from the police, Detective Blane, all of them. I hated the fact that I was the start of the fire, the reason why my parents are dead. I hate this! Running away when I did nothing on purpose. I was just trying to cook dinner for my parents, which I have never done because my parents don't allow me to cook or bake or anything that involves using fire, since it was my birthday and when I turned the switch on the stove on, well there was fire but it was bigger than normal, it looked like it sparked from a bonfire not a stove. 

Well, that was it the roof got on fire then everything went black, when I woke up I saw my arm on fire but I didn't feel any pain, no pain at all. Actually, I didn't feel anything, it was like being in a calm and peaceful place, I tried touching the flame but it disappeared suddenly. My parents were confined in a hospital then after a week died, Detective Blane and all of them had interviewed me about the case and I didn't say much.

I knew they were suspecting me, well why shouldn't they? so, as I said, I escaped. I was drinking a glass of tap water when I heard light foot steps coming towards me, I hid myself in, what seemed to be, a cupboard and fell silent.

"There's no one here" I heard a faint voice say.

"There is... there's a girl here" another voice said, sounding angelic. 

How did they know??

"Over there in the coffin" another voice said and once again I heard their foot steps coming close.

Coffin?! Did he just say coffin?! Oh no!

I was almost going to slowly get out and dash when suddenly a hand clamped on my mouth.

"Shh" he said, his breath was on my neck and I felt a chill run up and down my spine.

Oh dear, what had I gotten into? This is not really the outcome that I had in mind.

I nodded my head and bit back a scream, soon the sound of foot steps were gone and I tried to face my rescuer. Then I stiffened, I felt a long nail skim lightly over my face and I shivered then his fingers were at my hair.

"Um..." I mumbled but he still didn't remove his hand from my mouth.

"Shh, there's no need to struggle now Catherine, my dear, dear Catherine" he said then lightly kissed my hair.

Oh crap! what had I gotten into?! why isn't he letting go of me? and who the hell is Catherine?!

"I'm not Catherine" I said slowly, careful not to offend him, he might be psycho.

"Oh I see, what have you done with my Catherine?!" he finally let go of my mouth then grabbed my wrist and pulled me out.

"Ouch, let me go!" I tried to break free of his hold but his fingers only tightened so hard, his nails dug into my skin and I felt a burn there.

"I won't" he looked at me intensely and I thought I would die literally!! 

At last there were foot steps again but this time I wasn't scared, I felt grateful. 3 absolutely handsome men stood at the doorway, though I couldn't see much, somehow I knew they were handsome... too handsome to be human.

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