Chapter 5: Red and Christie

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I certainly got nothing out of Daisy and I haven't seen Mr. Kid President yet for the past three days, as for Maris, well, she never got around to apologizing to me. Oh, I still get the constant glares from her but other than that, she acts as if I don't exist. The rumors and talks about our fight, which wasn't really much of a fight from my side, slowly died down as time went by. Though I haven't seen Zara yet, that would be interesting, maybe I could ask her about the story.

After our morning classes, I told Daisy to go on and have lunch without me since I told her I want to 'hang out' in the ice room. But when I got there, there was no ice room, like it just disapeared... no door, no window, I wonder what could have happened.

"Excuse me, you're not allowed to sit there" came a voice above me.

I was sitting at the floor, or right outside of where the ice room door should have been.

"Sorry" I started to stand up.

"It's okay" I finally got a look of the girl, well...

She had long, really straight hair that shined and stopped at her knees, she had red and violet highlights and pretty eyes, the color somewhere between indigo and violet. Her lips were painted black and she had a really pale complexion, like she's sick. Her dress... or should I say gown was floor-length, it pooled at her feet, hiding any signs of footwear, it had long sleeves that opened at the cuffs and all in all, I would say that she looked like a miniature Morticia.

"Oh" was all I could say, but really though if you were in my place what would you say?

"Mm-hmm" she nodded her head and smiled at me, a flash of white against the black of her lips.

"I'm Sam, by the way" I offered her a hand since she looked like she wouldn't know about a high-five.

"What a coincidence, I killed someone named Sam before but she's long gone, I'm Christie" she took my hand.

Oh God, Oh God, she KILLED someone named Sam before?!! Oh my God, please protect me. 

"Are you okay? You look a little pale" she said.

That from the girl who looked like she's already dead.

"I'm fine" I lied, trying to pull my hand back but she tightened her grip then looked at me in the eyes.

"Wait! you're the fire-weilder?" the question took me off guard.

"Yeah" I nodded slowly.

"Sam, come look at this!" she called out.

Why is she calling out my name? I'm right here!

"Huh? Oh... a fire-weilder, nice" in the shadows, the girl she called 'Sam' showed herself.

She was wearing faded jeans, a shirt that says 'Kill Me Now Or You'll Regret It' and beige-colored fashion boots up to her knees. Her hair was drawn back to a ponytail and the color looked like blue, but who would have blue hair? And her eyes were... white.

Okay, this is really freaky, can I go now?

"I'm Sam by the way, but people call me Red" she smiled at me, a kind smile.

I tried to pull my hand out and Christie let it go, "Hi, I'm Sam too, people call me Sam" I gave her my hand but she made no move to shake it so I just dropped it.

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