A plan & Chaejoon?

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Taehyung's pov: we didn't really hear from the girls. Hoseok hyung walked inside after talking with Momo with a very confused and sad look. He said that Tzuyu's crying and that made Jungkook even worse. We had to leave for the ceremony, the girls arrived after a while. They were setting in front of us, Sana looked at me and I instantly knew that something was really wrong. Tzu's eyes were red it was very clear Jungkook noticed it as well. I can't say anything the camera are everywhere but I need to know what's up..

JK: do you see her hyung? How is she?
V: she had been better- *Jim pushes him* sorry I mean fine..
JK: I can't I want to go home..
NJ: sit where you are gguck we can't leave!
CY: Tzuyu please smile a bit..
Tz: let me alone Chaeng
SN: Tzuyu sshi *hugs her tight while Tzuyu closes her eyes preventing more tears from running down*
MN: it's starting be quite

Elina's pov: the night want by really fast. While Twice was performing Tzuyu was clearly out of it.. she wasn't smiling nor was Jungkook. And needless to saw that brought a lot of noise in Twitter that was going on and on about how they had a fight. No one cared to bother though because it didn't last for long. The same night though...

Chaeyoung's pov: as I closed quietly the door behind me I saw the car wiating for me. I approached it fast and went inside. It's really cold today to be honest

CY: h-hey oppa *says while shivering*
NJ: hey shortie yah. You cold?
CY: first of all don't call me that and second of all I'm freezing!
NJ: I will call you that and I'll open the heat
CY: whatever. About today oppa.. Tzuyu you see is the type that let's her emotions pile up before exploding. Usually one of us has to burst her bubble because after she's emotionally all out, she gets to see everything clearer.
NJ: Jungkook used to do that too you know
CY: yeah?
NJ: yes. Even I did it for a while..
CY: it's better to let other people know your feeling from the begging because if you don't things only get complicated
NJ: y-yeah..

I had arranged with Joon oppa to go on a walk tonight downtown. Since it's late not a lot of people are out, and especially today with Christmas everyone's inside with ther families. Oppa parked the car and we starting walking. He took one look at me and started laughing

CY:hey what's so funny? *says in an sort of angry way*
NJ: you are. You look like a small 5 year old in this long jacket *laughs*
CY: hey not funny! *hits his arm*
NJ: I didn't say you weren't cute

I just smiled at him and we continued walking. After a while we sat on a bench cause I was tired, he mocked me saying I was a grandma but I didn't really care. He's cute when he makes jokes, have you seen the dimples when he smiles?! Oh my god I'm falling hard.. yep I don't even deny it anymore. Oppa got up to go pet a stray dog, I took his phone. He gave me his password, easily I might say, and I was curious to see his photos. Namjoon oppa is usually an aesthetic person like me so he takes really good photos. But once I went to his camera I saw something unexpected, there was a file named "Chaeyoungie❤"  I knew Jon oppa took pictures of I did of him too but I didn't have so many neither did I have a whole file. Some of them were old and I don't even know when he took most of them

 Some of them were old and I don't even know when he took most of them

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