¥ 5 - Terrorized ¥

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When Aria awoke the joy of the day before was gone.

Already they were woken and told to carry out tasks for the day. Pan this morning was cold, his harsh orders piercing through the facade of strength she had built up in preparation for the next humiliation she faced for being the new girl. She could not be strong when his harsh voice frightened her to stone. Whether it be her upbringing or her timid nature, being shouted at made her tremble and her body shook uncontrollably. Her anxious energy transferred through the unstopping fiddling of fingers and thumbs, the deep and controlled breaths that stopped tears from revealing themselves on her cheeks. Desperate to get on with her task she counted in her head, trying to maintain her focus on the words of the boy in front of her, but sacrificing it to maintain what strength she had left within herself. He looked at her and barked again, his voice harsher than before.

"Did you not hear me? Get on with it!"

The boys snickered at her and laughed at her weakness.

She jolted into motion, frantically searching for an output for the anxiety that had built up inside her. The boy she was paired with grabbed her wrist and she was dragged away toward him as he led the way to where they needed to be. Tasked with an 'easy' task as Pan had explained, Aria and the boy with her were to collect water. They carried buckets filled with empty canteens and then two more for just water. "Hurry up!" The boy in front of her demanded.

"God, I'm coming. Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Aria mumbled, walking faster. She didn't realise, but the Lost Boy heard and he didn't appreciate her insult.

On their way back her partner waited for her to carry the buckets over and as she struggled with them back to camp he stuck his foot further out, leaving Aria soaked in water on the forest floor. She stood up silently and ignored her damp T-shirt. She picked up the buckets, shot a hard glare at the boy and returned to gather more water. By the time she reached camp, she was just damp, and the boys all snickered as she came in. She felt them all looking and rushed herself to place it down. "Where do these go?" She asked, referring to the buckets of water she had carried, amongst them floated the newly filled canteens. The boys around her ignored her question and watched in amusement as she struggled.

"Does anyone want to answer or are you just going to laugh again?" Aria asked, watching the boys as they watched her.

"Now, now. They're just having a bit of fun. Just there will be fine," Pan interrupted. "What took you so long? Your partner came back ages ago."

Aria was lost for words searching for a reason or excuse which wouldn't make her look worse. Telling on the Lost Boy would not help and pretending to struggle would make her look weaker. "Just got a little lost. That's all."

Pan didn't reply, just simply turned and walked away. Aria was relieved. The boys returned to whatever they were doing and Aria went into her tent to change her wet t-shirt into a dry one. She fished her rucksack from under the hammock and took out the photograph and then the notepad. She scribbled down the events of yesterday and the morning, dating the paper as she remembered it still. If she did this frequently she'd be able to track how long she was here. Then maybe she would know what day she finally turned 18. She had been looking forward to it since she turned 17 but now wondered if it was worth the excitement anymore.

There was movement outside her tent and she hurriedly shoved her things back into her bag, tossing it carelessly underneath her. "We're going fishing. Time to go," Edward told her. She nodded and tied a hoodie around her waist, knowing that if she were to get wet, it would be the best thing to warm her up. That and it was a net of safety that was a quick solution to calm her nerves.

¥ - Lost and Found - Peter Pan (Robbie Kay) - ¥Where stories live. Discover now