Chapter Three

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~ Esther

As I walk out I see the sign again but this time on a post. I rip it off and fold it as I walk to the barn.

The barn is dark and it takes a minute for my eyes to adjust. When they do I see Atticus in the stable at the back.

"Atticus!" I say walking quickly to the back. "We are not safe yet."

I show him the paper hoping he will know what to do.

"Did you buy what we need?" he asks.

"No. I saw this and ran to you." I say.

"Okay, they don't have a picture of me yet, so stay here, I'll go to the store and then we can leave." He says handing the paper back to me.

I look closer at the paper and see that there is a picture of me along with a description of Atticus and Israel.

I saddle the horses and after that have nothing to do except pace. Atticus comes in a few minutes later but not with groceries. Instead he comes in running.

    "We need to go now!" he says.

    He helps me onto my horse and then mounts his own. We start out of the barn into the bright sunlight.

    Waiting for us in the in the yard are ten of the governor's guards. We stop abruptly and Israel starts crying.

    "You are under arrest by order of the governor Monray. Dismount from your horses and put your hands in the air." the apparent leader of the guards says.

    I look backwards hoping that there is a back door to the barn. There isn't.


    "We have to obey." he says, dejected.

    But when he looks at me I see fire in his eyes. Either he has a plan, he's working on one, or he'll have one eventually. I decide to trust him and get down from my horse. Atticus dismounts as well.

    "Can you make the baby quiet?!" the lead guard asks.

    I shoot him a glare, take off my sling, cover myself, and start feeding Israel. I hear Atticus laugh beside me and that makes me smile.

    The guard looks disgusted and orders the other men to put us in irons. They come forward and bind Atticus and then come for me. One of them asks for Israel timidly. I gently give him to the man, but keep my eyes on him. Someone else tries to bind my hands but Israel is crying again and the leader groans.

    "Just give her the baby and chain her to her saddle!" he yells then mutters to himself "How did I end up with this job?"

The man holding Israel gives him back, mouthing what I think is a sorry. The man that was trying to chain me before manages to obtain my arm and secures it to my saddle. I am now stuck holding Israel with one arm and no way to get on my horse. I feel like screaming at the man who is sitting on his horse and looking at me with disgust.

Atticus comes around the horse and awkwardly takes the baby from me. I thank him and he gives me a quick kiss, whispering "I will find a way to get us out of here."

    I mount my horse and then take Israel. Atticus mounts as well and we wait for orders. All of the guards seem uncomfortable, except the leader, and when I look at them they avoid my gaze.

    We start off out of the town, the citizens stare at us in either confusion or pity. The soldiers don't notice. I pretend I am a queen and ride with my head held high.

    The whole day is frustrating, knowing that we are backtracking and losing all our progress. What keeps me sane is when I look over at Atticus and see him wink and smile. I realize that he doesn't have a real plan, but he's working on one.

    I don't think we'll have a chance to escape during the trip, there are too many guards. But maybe when we get to the governor's mansion we will have a chance. I try to think of things that I can do now that will improve our situation. It will be best if they don't think that we, or at least I, am dangerous. Technically I'm probably not dangerous.

    The day is long and monotonous. The guards don't take many breaks and I can't take turns holding Israel with Atticus. We stop twice to eat and relieve ourselves but travel most of the way without stops. Needless to say the trip back is much faster than the trip there. For the night they make us sleep in separate tents so that we can't plan anything.

    Shortly after breakfast the next day we arrive in the town that I grew up in. It doesn't look any different from when we left.

    We are brought to the governor's house and placed in separate guest rooms. The room I am in is simple and neat, with flowers and other pretty things decorating the walls. But I can't relax knowing that Atticus is I the room next to me but we can't speak to each other.

    We are kept there for the rest of the day, apparently the governor isn't here right now. A maid brings meals and things for the baby. So at least someone cares.

    As it starts to get dark and Israel isn't settling down I have a hard time staying calm. At around eleven o'clock someone knocks on the door. It opens slowly revealing a young woman, I recognize her as Atticus's sister.

    "Senia, what are you doing here?" I ask going over to give her a hug.

    "I work here, and now I'm helping you." she says "Can I hold Israel?"

    I nod and hand him to her.

    "Follow me." she says and leaves the room.

    I walk out the door and into the hallway. She takes a ring of keys from her belt and unlocks the room where Atticus is. The door opens and I dart through.

    Atticus is pacing the floor and he looks startled and then relieved to see me. I run and wrap my arms around him. We stand there for a few seconds before he sees his sister.

    "Senia!" he lets go of me and hugs her.

    "I got what you wanted." she says when he releases her.

    "Perfect, put them under the bed for now." he says.

"So... do you have a plan now?" I ask.

"Well I'm still working on it, but I have a few ideas and Senia and Max will help us." says Atticus.

"I'll take it." I say and sit down on the bed "What are your ideas?"

He sits down beside me and Senia sits on the floor with Israel.

"Well," he says putting an arm around me "Max is bringing a delivery here the day after tomorrow, I'm going to figure out a way that we can leave when he does. Other than that we just need to lay low."

"That's very detailed." I say with a smile, "Don't worry, I trust you."

He grins "Of course you do."

Senia stands up "You're going to have to go back to your room now Esther."

I nod but don't get up.

"I'll try to come see you tomorrow, and in the evening I can let you back in here." Senia says.

I stand up and give Atticus a quick kiss before following Senia out the door.

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