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Author POV

Jungkook was a supernatural creature created by angel but never get named. He was like any common human being when you see him but what make him different was his powers. As he was not named he don't have some powers like he can't see future and past, can't kill anyone and can't produce things like money, food, clothes, etc.

But despite this he was having many powers like moving objects, teleporting, can see far and hear things till great distance, control weather, stop time and intelligent like hell.

He was still happy with what he got even after many things he want was not with him. But now he was only desperate for a true love who can fulfill him. He stop aging at 26 so he was always looking the same after many years.

But he have a special power that he can save someone after he or she dies by sacrificing his own life. But he never think that he will use this power for someone but destiny plan something else.

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