Y/N must be crazy... After what happened to me and her, she still says she'll be fine on her own? History is obviously going to repeat and I wont allow that, but she's right, I have tour to go for... I have to find a way to protect her, I'm not going to lose her another time. I knew who to call but I could only do it after I get out from the hospital as Y/N wouldn't allow it. She always puts others before herself so I cant let her know about my plan. We cuddled in the hospital bed while my family went home and the boys slept near the bed. It was morning now and everyone was asleep since they were awake the whole night last night. I was staring at the ceiling wondering if I should call that person to protect Y/N. Will he be good enough to protect her? Will he do his best to keep her safe for the 1 month that I'm away? So many worrying thoughts came to my mind thinking if anything goes wrong, what will happen to Y/N? Especially after Alexis saw what happened this time, knowing I'm not around, she will hurt her even more. Should I risk it? I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the boys shouting my name, waving their hand in front of my eyes and Y/N lightly shaking my arm worriedly
B: DANIEL! Oh thank god you're okay
D: What happened? I was always ok wasn't I
B: You didn't respond to us even when we called you or shook you. It got us worried
D: Don't worry, I'm ok just thinking
Y/N: About what?
Oh no she looked at me with her innocent eyes but I still cant tell her about my plan.
D: Nothing baby... Also, when can I get out? I need some fresh air
I laugh awkwardly trying to change the topic. The boys narrowed their eyes at me, making it obvious that they wanted to know the truth. Y/N snuggled into my chest as she said that I can go home by the end of today if my condition is stable enough. I ensured Y/N wasn't looking at me then I looked at the boys and mouthed at them "later", they all nodded and we all continued talking. I think I have no choice but to try to call that person when I'm away from Y/N, I need to protect her...